I thought these headstones had been transcribed on another web site but I can’t find any (someone must have somewhere??). So if you want a transcription and the headstone is visible in one of these photos, ask in the comments. I didn’t take them with the intention of transcribing them but I might be able to work them out 🙂 These are the only photos I have though, so if it’s not below, I can’t help.
Category Archives: Cemetery Location
Weldborough Cemetery
St Mark’s Anglican Cemetery, Cygnet
George St, Cygnet, adjoining the church. Google maps.
Individual photos available at Gravesites of Tasmania.
St John’s Anglican Church & Cemetery, Franklin
Huon Highway, Franklin. Google Maps approximate location (red-roofed building at end of street that runs past Frank’s Cider Bar & Cafe).
On The Convict Trail (photos & background information)
Organ & interior photos
At Franklin, desecration before deconsecration
Friends of St Johns’ Facebook page
Catholic Cemetery, Longford
Cnr Howick & Park Streets, Longford. Google Maps.
St Augustine’s Catholic Church is a block over, to the south east.
Photos and transcriptions available here. Photos also on Northern Midlands Council database.
Anglican Cemetery, Longford.
Wellington St, Longford, around Christ Church. Google Maps.
Individual headstones & burial details are available in the Northern Midlands database
Longford Church Sir,-Now that the authorities of Christ Church, Longford, have the cleaning-up and improving of the church grounds well in hand, they are anxious to get into touch with friends or relatives having interest in the burial ground adjoining the church, with a view to having graves put in order. A number of graves have recently been done up; there are others which it is felt friends would desire to have attended to, and we are enlisting the courtesy of your columns to that end, as in many cases we are unable to trace addresses of relatives. The burial ground contains a large number of graves of historic interest, going back as it does to the beginning of the last century, and we should glad indeed to have the co-operation of all those who desire to see the old memorials preserved and kept in order. The committee for this purpose consists of Mr. G. W. Hudson, Mr. C. P. Ede and the rector, with any of whom communication may be made. A similar effort is being made in connection with the old church burial ground at Perth. W. H. MacFARLANE. Rector of Longford and Perth.
The Examiner, 29 November 1941
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(site of) Burial Ground, Launceston
High Street, between York Street and Fawkner St, Launceston. Google Maps.
Only known burial 1811 (from LINC Tasmania’s guide to Launceston cemeteries).
Closed ? Possibly 1823, when Cypress St cemetery was in use.
Marked on 1826 map, number 79. (If that link doesn’t work, try here and scroll along to the Sharland map.)
Anglican cemetery, Cypress St, Launceston
Cypress St, Newstead. Google Maps.
1823 consecrated & first known burial
1906 closed to new burials other than relatives 1906
1929 last burial
1953 made available to Broadland House School & converted to sports ground.
Earlier burial ground, High Street.
Cemetery, Williamsford-Rosebery
Williamsford Road, west of Rosebery. Google Maps. (I think that’s the right location from the cemetery. It is not the site 1 km from the turn off that some other websites show, that is the remains of an industrial site. The cemetery is a little further along the road.)
St Clement’s Anglican Cemetery, Kingston
Behind St Clement’s Anglican Church, 100 Beach Rd, Kingston. Google Maps.
I can’t find any transcriptions or names indexes online. (Help?) So I shall do them later. In the meantime, if you see any below you’d like transcribed, drop me a line and I’ll do one, if possible.