Non-denominational. Opened 10 December 1882. Currently used by a cooperative Anglican & Uniting congregation and a Catholic congregation.
Burgess St, Bicheno. Google Maps
Old photo
On Sunday last the inhabitants of the little town ship of Bicheno gathered together to celebrate the opening of a new church. Very curiously, but altogether undesignedly, the church was opened exactly 12 mouths after its inception. On December 10, 1881, it was decided to have it built, and on December 10, 1882, it was opened for public service. In the morning the Rev. H. T. Hull officiated according to the Presbyterian form of worship, delivering a very excellent and appropriate sermon. In the evening the Rev. J. Nethercott, incumbent of Swansea, conducted service according to the usage of the Church of England, giving an earnest discourse befitting the occasion. At these services collections were taken, amounting to a little over £1. On Monday evening an excellent tea was provided by the ladies of Bicheno and its neighbourhood, after which a concert was given in a large room kindly lent by Mr. Harvey for the purpose. Both tea and concert were intensely appreciated by all present. Thanks are due to all who in any way contributed to the evening’s enjoyment, and especially to those who at great personal inconvenience had to travel long distances to do so, The church, which is undenominational, a handsome and commodious, and reflects the greatest credit on Mr. Allen, the contractor. It Being his firs attempt at ecclesiastical architecture, high praise is due to Mr. Allen for the efficient manner in which the work in all respects has been executed. Mr. Allen tendered to erect the church at the lowest possible figure, and has added many improvements outside his contract, so that the margin for profits will be almost nil.
The Mercury, 16 December, 1882