St Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Gormanston (no photo)

Dedicated 1903.

Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 18 November 1903
Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 18 November 1903

Bishop Mercer arrived by last evening’s train, and delivered a lecture at the Metropole Theatre on “Competition.” This evening he administered confirmation to a number of children at St. Martin’s Church. To-morrow he will visit Gormanston to dedicate St. Cuthbert’s Church, and in the evening will give a lecture in Gaffney’s Hall. On Saturday his Lordship will hold a reception at Queenstown, returning to Gormanston on Sunday for the purpose of holding a confirmation service; leaving again for Zeehan on Monday. During his visit here the Bishop is the guest of Mr. R. Sticht.

Examiner, 20 November 1903

St Mary’s Catholic Church, Gormanston (no photos)

Opened 1891.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald 11 September 1897
Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 11 September 1897

After the termination of the Zeehan mission in connection with the Roman Catholic persuasion, the Vincentian Fathers will extend their labors to the Strahan, Queenstown, and Gormanston districts. The Rev. Father M. O’Callaghan has been in charge of that district during the past ten months, and his efforts have been crowned with a large measure of success. A church has been built at Queenstown, and land has been bought and paid for at Strahan, while a contract has been accepted for the erection of a church at Gormanston. The Vincentian Fathers will open missions at the Court house, Strahan, at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1st, and will close on the following Friday evening. They will also open at the A.M.A. Hall, Gormanston, on the same day, at 7.30 p.m., and close on the following Saturday evening. The dedication of St. Joseph’s Church at Queenstown, will take place on Sunday, the 6th of February, and the ceremony will be conducted by His Lordship the Coadjutor Bishop of Hobart, and the occasional sermon will be preached by the Rev. Father McCarthey (Vincentian Father). On that important occasion a strong choir will sing Mozart’s 12th Mass, and a special collection will be taken up to assist in the liquidation of the debt upon the church. Father O’Callaghan appeal to his many friends for their earnest support in connection with this important matter.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 26 January 1898

Gormanston chapel is being rapidly pushed on.
Launceston Examiner, 14 February 1898

The solemn opening and dedication of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Gormanston, will take place on Sunday 29th inst. The mass will be a Missa Cantata, and the choir will be assisted by the full strength of St. Joseph’s Church, who intend journeying from Queenstown to assist at the opening ceremony. The Rev. M. W. Gilleran, of St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, will preach the occasional sermon. Admission will be by ticket, the proceeds being in aid of the debt on the church. Evening devotions and sermons will be held at 7 p.m. The pastor, Rev. M. O’Callaghan has been generally congratulated on the success that has followed his efforts in having such a pretty church erected in the short time that he has had charge of the district.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 19 May 1898

Wesleyan Church, Gormanston (no images)

Opened 1896 & 1901.

Tenders for the erection of a Wesleyan Church building at Gormanston, have been accepted. When finished it will probably seat about 100 worshippers.
The Mercury, 18 July 1896

On Sunday, 16th inst., the Rev. B. Bayles, of Zeehan, will celebrate the opening of the Wesleyan Church at Gormanston, holding service there in the morning and evening, and also officiating in the State school, Penghana, in the afternoon of the same. On Tuesday, the 19th, a tea meeting and entertainment will be held at Gormanston in connection with the same church.
The Mercury, 14 August 1896

On Friday evening last the Wesleyan Church at Gormanston was blown to the ground. The strong wind prevailing making a total wreck of the edifice.
Zeehan & Dundas Herald

GORMANSTON, Thursday. Mrs. Gibson, of Scone, has donated £100 towards the Wesleyan Church building fund at Gormanston, and also lent the trustees £100 free of interest for three years.

The Examiner, 8 June 1900

The new Wesleyan church, to seat 300, was opened at Gormanston to-day with special services by the Rev. B. Heath, of Westbury.
Examiner, 13 May 1901

Permission had been granted to Gormanston to proceed with the building of a new church, and to Cressy for the erection of a new hall.
Examiner, 30 October 1940

[Was this 1904 one completed?]