St Mary’s Catholic Church, Gormanston (no photos)

Opened 1891.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald 11 September 1897
Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 11 September 1897

After the termination of the Zeehan mission in connection with the Roman Catholic persuasion, the Vincentian Fathers will extend their labors to the Strahan, Queenstown, and Gormanston districts. The Rev. Father M. O’Callaghan has been in charge of that district during the past ten months, and his efforts have been crowned with a large measure of success. A church has been built at Queenstown, and land has been bought and paid for at Strahan, while a contract has been accepted for the erection of a church at Gormanston. The Vincentian Fathers will open missions at the Court house, Strahan, at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 1st, and will close on the following Friday evening. They will also open at the A.M.A. Hall, Gormanston, on the same day, at 7.30 p.m., and close on the following Saturday evening. The dedication of St. Joseph’s Church at Queenstown, will take place on Sunday, the 6th of February, and the ceremony will be conducted by His Lordship the Coadjutor Bishop of Hobart, and the occasional sermon will be preached by the Rev. Father McCarthey (Vincentian Father). On that important occasion a strong choir will sing Mozart’s 12th Mass, and a special collection will be taken up to assist in the liquidation of the debt upon the church. Father O’Callaghan appeal to his many friends for their earnest support in connection with this important matter.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 26 January 1898

Gormanston chapel is being rapidly pushed on.
Launceston Examiner, 14 February 1898

The solemn opening and dedication of St Mary’s Catholic Church, Gormanston, will take place on Sunday 29th inst. The mass will be a Missa Cantata, and the choir will be assisted by the full strength of St. Joseph’s Church, who intend journeying from Queenstown to assist at the opening ceremony. The Rev. M. W. Gilleran, of St Mary’s Cathedral, Hobart, will preach the occasional sermon. Admission will be by ticket, the proceeds being in aid of the debt on the church. Evening devotions and sermons will be held at 7 p.m. The pastor, Rev. M. O’Callaghan has been generally congratulated on the success that has followed his efforts in having such a pretty church erected in the short time that he has had charge of the district.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 19 May 1898

St David’s Anglican Church, Dundas (no photos)

Anglican services were first held in other buildings. The town formed about 1890, so the advertised service below, in July 1891, could well be the first one held. A church, St David’s, was opened in 1912. There is nothing left of the town now.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald 17 July 1891 - 3
Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 17 July 1891

Zeehan & Dundas Herald 11 September 1891
Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 11 September 1891

It is advertised that a Sunday School will be held at Dundas in connection with the Church of England, Mr Waters having lent his hill for the purpose, Sunday afternoon services have been held at Dundas for some time, and it is now thought opportune to open a Sunday School.
Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 25 January 1896

The Lord Bishop of Tasmania (Dr. Mercer, D.D.) arrived at Zeehan on Saturday, and in the afternoon conducted a confirmation service at St. Luke’s Church, at which there were 11 candidates— 3 females and 8 males. Yesterday morning he preached to a large congregation at St. Luke’s, and in the afternoon drove over to Dundas, where he held service in the new church. The building was well-filled, largely by men, and the Bishop’s address listened to with the closest attention. It had been intended that the Bishop should dedicate this building, but as its construction was not quite completed, this service was postponed, and will probably be conducted by Archdeacon Richard at an early date. The name of the new church is to be St. David’s.
Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 18 December 1911

The Ven. Archdeacon of Darwin held the first service at St. David’s, Dundas, by a celebration of the Holy Communion at 8.45 a.m. on Sunday, 31st December, and afternoon service at 3 p.m., when the church was filled to its utmost capacity. The Archdeacon firstly gave an address to the children, impressing on them the similarity of the Church of Jesus Christ to a ship which many of the younger folk had seen provisioned and equipped for a long journey; afterwards the Archdeacon gave an earnest address to the men and women, pointing out the moral effect of a good wife and mother to the community, stating he thanked his mother for teaching him to load a good life. The address was listened to very attentively. Si. David’s Church, Dundas, supplies & long felt want, and will when completed be very compact. One cannot say too much in praise of the energy which has directed the proceedings. The organ was received on Saturday last, general satisfaction being expressed at its tone, the Archdeacon playing the hymns at both services, everyone joining heartily in the singing.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 2 January 1912

Zeehan & Dundas 24 February 1912
Zeehan and Dundas Herald, 24 February 1912

Wesleyan Church, Dundas (no photos)

Opened 1891.

Zeehan & Dundas Herald 14 August 1891
Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 14 August 1891

Zeehan & Dundas Herald  21 October 1891
Zeehan & Dundas Herald, 21 October 1891

At the beginning of our church year the trustees of the Zeehan Church built a mission church at Dundas at a total cost of £157. Through depression and decrease of population our people there have had to struggle hard to keep the church in existence at all, and have only paid some £14 of their liabilities, the Zeehan trustees meeting the other £143 by means of the loan.
9 December 1892

Zeehan & Dundas 26 Janaury 1907
Zeehan & Dundas Herald 26 Janaury 1907

Wesleyan Church, Gormanston (no images)

Opened 1896 & 1901.

Tenders for the erection of a Wesleyan Church building at Gormanston, have been accepted. When finished it will probably seat about 100 worshippers.
The Mercury, 18 July 1896

On Sunday, 16th inst., the Rev. B. Bayles, of Zeehan, will celebrate the opening of the Wesleyan Church at Gormanston, holding service there in the morning and evening, and also officiating in the State school, Penghana, in the afternoon of the same. On Tuesday, the 19th, a tea meeting and entertainment will be held at Gormanston in connection with the same church.
The Mercury, 14 August 1896

On Friday evening last the Wesleyan Church at Gormanston was blown to the ground. The strong wind prevailing making a total wreck of the edifice.
Zeehan & Dundas Herald

GORMANSTON, Thursday. Mrs. Gibson, of Scone, has donated £100 towards the Wesleyan Church building fund at Gormanston, and also lent the trustees £100 free of interest for three years.

The Examiner, 8 June 1900

The new Wesleyan church, to seat 300, was opened at Gormanston to-day with special services by the Rev. B. Heath, of Westbury.
Examiner, 13 May 1901

Permission had been granted to Gormanston to proceed with the building of a new church, and to Cressy for the erection of a new hall.
Examiner, 30 October 1940

[Was this 1904 one completed?]

(demolished) St Mary’s Catholic Church, Cullenswood

1859-1899, 1909
Located near Catholic cemetery.


(From a Correspondent)
ON Sunday last, the new Catholic Church which has just been erected, in our little Village, was consecrated for Divine Service by the Lord Bishop of Hobart Town, assisted by the Revd. Mr. Fitzgerald. The little Church was densely crowded in every part. There were between 250 and 300 persons present, all of whom seemed to listen with breathless attention to His Lordship’s discourse, in which he dwelt most strongly on the evils of intemperance, a vice which is, unfortunately, too prevalent in this district. After the sermon a collection was made, and the munificent sum of £78 was realised. It is highly creditable to the Catholics of this District that they have succeeded so well in this undertaking. A great deal of praise is due to the zealous endeavors of their worthy pastor, who during the last two or three years has labored most indefatigably for this object. And when it is considered that Campbell Town is more than 50 miles distant from our Village, over a very bad road, some idea maybe formed of the difficulties which have had to he contended with.

The Church which is of an extremely chaste and simple style of architecture is amply fitted for the present wants of the congregation ; it is 40 feet long, by 20 broad. At one end, a beautiful bell turret has been erected, and we were pleased to hear the merry sound of its little bell on Sunday last. A fine Gothic window fills the east end, ii which, we are told, it is in contemplation to have painted.
Hobart Town Daily Mercury, 5 February 1859
Continue reading

St James’ Anglican Church, Jericho (1)

Built on the site of the current church. It was consecrated in 1838 during a visit by the visit but was presumably in use prior to this. At least two marriages took places there in 1883 (Samuel Horton & Elizabeth Hudson in April, and Rev. John Norman & Eliza Pike in May).

The building was taken down 1882 to enable the construction of the new St James.

Extract from a series on Tasmanian churches published in the Mercury in 1930:

Minutes of a meeting held at Jericho on November 1 (the year is not mentioned, but it presumably was 1830 [1827, see below), for the purpose of taking into consideration the expediency of erecting a place of worship in the populous part of the district. It was resolved unanimously:

(1) That it is expedient to erect a place of worship in the most populous part of the district.
(2) That a-subscription forthwith be entered into for the purpose.
(3) That application be made to His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor (who was then Colonel Arthur), soliciting the assistance of the Government in support of the undertaking.

It was resolved that Mr. P. Harrisson be appointed-treasurer, and Mr. J. M. Hudspeth secretary, and that Messrs. E. Bryant, W. Pike, C. M. Cogle, James Weeding, P. Harrisson, and J. M. Hudspeth form a committee for the purpose of carrying the design into effect, and that any three of them would form a quorum. It was resolved that the thanks of. the meeting be given to Rev. Mr. Bedford for the, attention given by him to the action, and for his handsome conduct in the chair. It was suggested by Mr. Bedford that the site of the proposed chapel be on the hill on the rising ground between Mr. Harrisson’s house and Fourteen Tree Hill, being considered by him the spot most eligible to the population generally.
Continue reading

St Joseph’s Catholic Church, Launceston

Located in Margaret, near/adjoining/behind the site of the present day Church of the Apostles.
Foundation stone laid 1839.
Opened 1842.
Closed 1866, replaced by Church of the Apostles

Detail from a drawing by Magaret Black, 1852 (from the QVMAG QVM:1988:P:0041) showing St Joseph’s to the left of the city.

Details from a painting by Frederick Strange (QVMAG collection):

Roman Catholic Church, Margaret Church, c.1856

Prior to the opening of St Joseph’s, a temporary chapel was built in Cameron Street.

It will be seen by on advertisement in another part of our columns, that it is the intention or the Roman Catholics to establish a Chapel in this town, in order that they may ” worship God according to the manner of their fore-fathers.” The Catholics have hitherto had no fixed place of worship, and have been obliged to resort for an occasional performance of their duties, to any building which might offer for the purpose. The establishment of a Chapel must therefore be looked upon by every friend to Catholicity as a very desirable object, for, although we do not coincide with the doctrines which that religion ?aches to be necessary for salvation, yet, we ?e ever anxious to give equal support to every religious denomination.

Cornwall Chronicle, 7 April 1838

Roman Catholics.— We are requested to state, that a temporary chapel has been erected in Cameron-street, for the accommodation of the Catholic portion of our community, at which place divine service is now regularly performed every Sunday morning, by the Rev. Mr. Cotham, according to the rites and ceremonies of that church.
Cornwall Chronicle, 25 August 1838
Continue reading

Catholic Chapel, Hobart

As far back as 1817 Father Flynn called at the settlement, on his voyage from England to Sydney, and administered the sacrament, and four years later Father Connolly arrived and commenced his work. He celebrated mass at Mr. Curr’s store in Argyle-street, and there the congregation consisted of nine persons. Services were subsequently held in the old building in Elizabeth-street, known to us in later years as “Rats’ Castle.” Father Connolly having obtained a grant of 14 acres of land at the angle of Harrington and Brisbane streets, called it Mount Carmel, and in February, 1822, a small wooden church was commenced. It was finished in the following year, and dedicated to God, under the invocation of St. Virgilius.
The Mercury, 31 December 1904

THE Resident Roman Catholic Clergyman in Van Diemen’s Land, in Furtherance of the Object with which he is intrusted, under the Authority of His Majesty’s Government, being desirous to put in Progress the Building of a suitable Place of Worship for the Roman Catholics, with the Sanction of His Honor the Lieutenant Governor, respectfully calls upon such of the Inhabitants as are disposed to give their Aid to this desirable Object, as connected with the good Order of a large Portion of the Persons already in Van Diemen’s Land, and of others probably yet to arrive ; and he respectfully requests to add, that a Subscription List is open at the under-mentioned Places :
At the Office of Edward Lord, Esq. ; of Messrs. Kemp and Co. ; of Edward Curr, Esq. ; at the House of P. A. Mulgrave, Esq. and at the Gazette Office, Hobart Town.
At the House of T. A, Lascelles, Esq. New Norfolk ; James Gordon, Esq. Pitt Water; and G. W. Gunning, Esq. Coal River.
At Port Dalrymple:-Thomas Archer, Esq. J. P.; Mr. Commissary Roberts ; T, C, Simpson, Esq. ; and James Cox, Esq. J. P.
Where the Contributions of all Persons will be thankfully received.
It is considered scarcely necessary to state, that the Catholic Community, for whose particular Accommodation and Good this Undertaking is about to be commenced, will be expected to give their Aid in every Shape in which it can be useful, and suitable to their Condition.

Hobart Town Gazette, 13 April 1822

I’m not sure on actual location on the chapel, but it appears to have been close to the corner of Harrington & Brisbane Sts. In 1831, an advertiser gives his location as “situated in Brisbane-street, at the corner of Harrington street, (opposite the Roman Chatholic Chapel). In 1833, a cottage is advertised for sale at the “premises in Brisbane street facing the Catholic Chapel”. In 1834, another advertiser gives his location as “opposite the Catholic Chapel, Harrington Street”.

(site of) Anglican Church, Hobart


It is not generally known that the body of Colonel Collins, the first Lieutenant Governor of this colony, lies interred in the corner of the churchyard next the town. About a year after his death a small wooden church was erected over the grave, and the altar, such as it was, was built directly over it. This building however did not remain long, for being got up in a hurry for the reception of Governor Macquarie to attend divine service in during his visit here, the stays were not properly fixed, and in a sudden gale of wind it was blown over.
Hobart Town Courier, 21 March 1829

On the St David’s cathedral website, there is an artist’s impression of that building, placed in context (use the slider below the image).



And this Monument long projected
was Erected to his memory in 1838,
By Direction of His Excellency
Sir John Franklin R.C.H.K.R
Site of the first Church erected in 1810 in
Van Dieman’s Land.
Built over the grace of
whose body resided beneath the altar.