207 Davey St, South Hobart. Google Maps
Opened 1871 as a Wesleyan Church
Bought by Lutheran Church in 1970s
Sold in 2012
Some history and better photos
Hobart Town Courier, 30 March 1838
Hobart Town Courier, 22 March 1839
Yesterday afternoon tho ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a new church for the Wesleyans in Upper Davey-street took place according to arrangement in the presence of a large number of spectators. Some time ago a bazaar was held in behalf of the building fund for this church, when a creditable sum was realized forming with the subscriptions then promised the nucleus of a fund which has been liberally augmented since that time. The Wesleyans have had a cause in Davey-street many years, a Sunday-school being conducted in a school room formerly rented by Mr. Daniel Simpson, and which was afterwards, with other premises and a good sized plot of ground, purchased by the denomination. Divine service has also been held in the school room, under the auspices of the ministers of the Hobart Town circuit. The increase of scholars and the requirements of the congregation have shown them the necessity of enlarging their borders ; and availing themselves of the eligible site in front of the school-house for providing additional accommodation. It is a matter of regret with the promoters of the undertaking, that steps were not taken many years ago, when times were more favorable, for erecting a new Church ; but the growing importance of the locality, and the absolute need of those concerned, at length determined the friends of the cause to make an effort, and carry out the long-cherished design. On the twenty-fourth of May, last year, some of the more ardent members got up a tea-meeting at the school-room, the proceedings of which we noticed at the time. The Rev. Hans Mack presided on that occasion, and the circumstances having been clearly explained, and tho necessity for action demonstrated, preliminary resolutions were adopted, and an active committee appointed. The then Superintendent of the Circuit, the Rev. S. Iron side, took a deep interest in the movement, and the various influences brought to bear upon the friends culminated in the holding of the successful bazaar, to which we have alluded. Plans having been prepared by Messrs. Crouch and Wilson, architects of Melbourne, tenders were invited early in the present year, for the erection of a new. church capable of seating three hundred and fifty persons, and the tender of Mr. John Anderson was accepted at £1440 for the building, seating, and fittings. The authorities of the district had sanctioned a grant from the building fund of £300, and the total sum available up to the time of laying the foundation stone was £880 16s. 1d. No time has been lost by the contractor in excavating and putting in the foundations, and the work as far as it has gone is of the most substantial character. The building is to be of stone, and in the Gothic style of architecture, occupying an area of C6 feet by 38 feet, and will include Church, vestry, and two class rooms, affording as we have stated, accommodation for three hundred and fifty persons ; the old school-room remaining, of course, available for school purposes. The brown stone to be used in the building is procured from the Summerhill’s quarries, and the white stone from those of Bridgewater. When complete it will be a neat building, and add one to the ornamental buildings of Upper Davey-street.
The Mercury, 22 July 1870