76 Margaret Street, Launceston. Google Maps.
Opened 1898 as Catholic Apostolic (Irvingites).
1913 sold to Church of Christ congregation (established 1884, now at Door of Hope).
A New Church.-A place of worship for the denomination known as the Catholic Apostolic Brethren is nearing completion, and will be ready for use early next month. The edifice is situated in Margaret-street. At present all that is being built is the nave, and about half of this will be taken up by a temporary chancel, upper and lower choir, and sanctuary. The design is Gothic, the bricks being tuck-pointed and the arched windows set off with rich mouldings. Mr. Harold Masters is the architect, and the contractors, Messrs. Charles Adams and Sons.
Launceston Examiner, 17 August 1898
Launceston Examiner, 1 September 1898
Catholic Apostolic Church.- The Catholic Apostolic Church which has been erected in Margaret-street was opened yesterday. According to the liturgy of the church three services were held-at 11 a.m., 5 p.m., and 7 p.m. respectively. At the last-named over 150 were present, the building being comfortably filled. An evangelist delivered a stirring address on the “The Fourfold Ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, prefigured in the Garden of Eden.” The discourse was listened to with much interest. The church is very neatly furnished, the chancel presenting an imposing appearance. With the exception of the seats, which are of kauri, all the woodwork is Tasmanian blackwood. The three walls and but tress are of brick, but the back is of wood, the building being constructed in this way so that it can easily be enlarged if necessary.
Launceston Examiner, 5 September 1898
Church Extension.
On Saturday afternoon a number of members and adherents of the Church of Christ, Margaret-street, assembled to witness the laying of the foundation stone in connection with the proposed extension of the church premises. On account of the continued and persistent fury of the weather it was considered advisable to postpone the function until Saturday next, at 3 p.m.
Examiner, 4 August 1913
Gathering on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone of the Church of Christ building Margaret-street, Launceston. Weekly Courier, 14 August 1893
Church of Christ.
A large crowd of members and adherents of the Church of Christ assembled at the premises in Margaret-street on Saturday afternoon, the occasion being the laying of the foundation-stone in connection with the extension of the church building. This extension has been considered necessary as a result of the church being crowded each Sunday night. The ceremony took the form of a ser vice, which was held in the open air, and conducted by Mr. H. Swan, pastor. It was opened by the singing of a hymn, after which two of the church officers led in prayer. Mr. H. Swan then gave a short and interesting address on the work and progress of the church, which, he said, was phenomenal, the church having added about 600 per cent, to its membership in about seven months. Mr. C. Nicholls. was then called upon to speak, and in the course of his remarks laid emphasis on the fact that the strength and purity of the plea which was set before the people, namely, that of primitive, unadulterated, and apostolic Christianity, had in a large measure been the means of causing so many to respond, and only had to become more widely known when many more would join issue. Mr. Swain then called upon Mrs. D. Shields to perform the pleasing task of laying the foundation-stone of the extensions. In a few well-chosen words Mrs. Shields declared the stone to be well and truly laid, upon which the congregation heartily sung together “Christ is King.” After the function was over several pounds were placed upon the stone as an offering towards the cost of the structure. The pleasing ceremony was brought to a close by the pronouncing of the Benediction by the pastor. The contractors are Messrs. Richards and Nicholls.
Examiner, 11 August 1913
Newly enlarged Church of Christ, Weekly Courier, 13 November 1913
Church of Christ. A large number of people assembled at the Church of Christ Chapel in Margaret-street on Sunday, the occasion being the opening of the new wing which has been added to the building, in order to cope with the growing congregations. Mr. Reg. Ennis, the secretary of the Australasian committee, came over from Melbourne at the invitation of the church officers, and preached both morning and evening. The chapel was well filled at the morning service, when Mr. Ennis de livered a splendid address on the “Possibilities of a Christian.” At the evening service the building was packed to the doors, when Mr. Ennis made an impressive appeal to men and women, on the plea that the cost of not being a Christian is far too great for contemplation. His subject was “What it Costs Not to he a Christian.” At the close of the address there were four conversions.
Examiner, 28 October 1913