George Street, Cygnet. Google maps. The cemetery is next door.
Opened c.1875
[From a Correspondent.]
On Monday, the 4th of May, instant, the very interesting ceremony of laying the foundation stone of a new Protestant Church, took place at Port Cygnet. The stone was laid by His Lordship the Bishop of Tasmania, assisted by the Rev. Thomas Stansfield, incumbent of St. John’s, Franklin. The weather was of the most inclement kind, which fact kept away large numbers who would otherwise have been present. After declaring the stone to be duly laid, His Lordship delivered a brief, but earnest and stirring address to those present, every word of which was received with full appreciation, if moistened eyes are a criterion. The new church, although not large, will be very complete, possessing as it will, its little Chancel Porch and Belfry. It is dedicated to St. Mark. The site is a pretty one, and altogether the new structure, which is being put up by Messrs, Compton and Harvey, of Port Cygnet, will be an ornament to the district, and a great convenience to the members of the Church of England in that locality, who will now, it is hoped, be enabled to have more regular services.
The Mercury, 7 May 1874
From Bishop’s address to the Church of England Diocesan Synod:
During the last year, I have laid the foundation stone of the new and elegant church at the growingly important township of Port Cygnet, upon the Huon. It is now approaching completion, and I hope at an early day to set it apart for Divine Worship.
The Mercury, 31 March 1875
A correspondent, writing from Port Cygnet, says: “The pretty little Church of England place of worship (St. Mark’s) is now completely finished, and, what is better, is entirely out of debt, thanks to the untiring exertions of those who interested themselves in it. Tho bazaar which was got up in its aid, and which passed off so successfully, brought, during the two days’ sale in March, the sum of £84 5s 9d ; and at the sale in May, between £33 and £34 were realised ; so that tho ladies who worked so dilligently and so assiduously, had (after deducting all necessary expenses) the handsome sum of £110 to hand over to the treasurer. All this ladies who held stalls still have some things to dispose of, so that when they are sold there will be, a few more pounds to add to the sum already given to the church.”
The Mercury, 10 July 1875
January 20, 2019 at 11:57pmhi my name is alinta and am wondering if a herbert william cockerill son of henry william cockerill brother of henry was sydney claude cockerill the years 1834-1925 children
eunice1895-1970 leila-1905 and eva cockerill 1908-1994 buried at st marks cemetry
and these persons are the ancestors of fanny cochrane smith and they are aboriginals.