St John’s/St John the Baptist Anglican Church, Branxholm


36 Scott St, Branxholm Google Maps
Built c.1907


A social took place here on Wednesday for the purpose of augmenting the Anglican Church building fund, which was started while Rev. H. B. Atkinson was in charge of the church here. About three-quarters of the estimated cost of the building is in hand, together with furniture and an organ. The weather was against a very full attendance, but a goodly number were present, and en joyed themselves well. Proceedings commenced with a well-arranged tableau and song, “Only Tired,” arranged by Mrs. M’Daniel. The boys and girls, in suit able dress, marched, and sang patriotic songs, while a little Jappy in a kimono, with flag inscribed “Togo,” commemorated the hero of the hour. Misses Counsel (2) and Sainty rendered a coon song and dance, to the amusement of the audience. Mr. Taylor assisted with a song. Miss Walsh gave a pathetic recitation, and Miss S. Sainty sang “Daddy.” Mr. J. Horton efficiently acted as chairman and M.C., Mrs. and Miss Counsel as accompanists. Rev. F. H. Gibbs proposed a vote of thanks to the organisers and performers and providers of refreshments, which was duly seconded by Mr. Burr, secretary of the building fund. Building operations are only waiting till the best available site is procured.
The Examiner, 5 June 1905

Working bees have been in vogue here lately. Two were hold on the Anglican Church ground at Branxholm on successive Wednesdays to clear the ground for the new church. Good work was done, the ground being scrubbed, and the logs heaped by bullock teams. The ladies not only provided refreshments, but helped materially in clearing. Tenders for the building will be invited on the arrival of plans and specifications.
The Mercury, 5 October 1906

Daily Telegraph 12 January 1907
Daily Telegraph, 12 January 1907

Archdeacon Whitington arrived here on Saturday, and gave a lantern lecture the same night in the Anglican Church in aid of the home mission. He preached an eloquent sermon on Sunday to a large congregation, and left for Branxholm in the afternoon, accompanied by Rev. F. H. Gibbs, where he laid the foundation stone for the new church which is to be built shortly there.
Daily Telegraph, 18 March 1907

From the Bishop’s address to the Anglican Synod, Daily Telegraph, 15 April 1907:
St. Chad’s, Levendale (in the Buckland parish), and St. John Baptist’s, Branxholm, are nearing completion ; and a new church is contemplated for Glenfern


Bishop Mercer has just completed his annual tour through this parish. He hold a confirmation service in the new Church of St John the Baptist at Branxholm, and expressed much pleasure at the character and condition of the structure.
The Mercury, 7 February 1908

One thought on “St John’s/St John the Baptist Anglican Church, Branxholm

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply

    Carolyn Eime

    December 29, 2016 at 5:02am

    Is this beautiful old Church for sale ???

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