41-43 Wellington St, Longford. Google Maps.
Constructed & opened 1880, to the same design as the Deloraine Tabernacle.
Now a funeral parlour.
I am informed on good authority that it is the intention of the Baptists to build a place of worship here as soon as a suitable site can be procured.
Launceston Examiner, 14 January 1880
Launceston Examiner, 31 March 1880
BAPTIST CHURCH, LONGFORD.-Our Longford correspondent informs us that Mr Thos. Humphreys, jun., is the successful tenderer for the erection of the Baptist Church at that township, which is to be built at the expense of Wm. Gibson, Esq., of Perth. Mr Humphreys is pushing on with the new Wesleyan Church, which was commenced last December, and will begin operations in connection with his second contract at once.
Launceston Examiner, 17 April 1880
The foundation-stone of the above-named Baptist Church was laid on Friday afternoon by Mrs William Gibson, sen., of Perth, in the presence of a very large assemblage, including visitors from Launceston, Evandale, Deloraine, Carrick, Cressy, and Perth, the latter place being extensively represented. The weather was all that could be desired, and doubtless was an extra inducement to those living at a distance to be present, seeing that they ran no great risk of getting a wetting on their return home, which is no uncommon occurrence at this particular time of the year. Half-past two o’clock was the time named, but it was about a quarter to three when the ceremonial party arrived, and having stationed themselves on a platform near the stone, the proceedings were commenced by Mr Thomas Spurgeon giving out No. 83 (the 100th Psalm), Moody and Sankey’s collection, “All people that on earth do dwell,” after which prayer was offered by the Rev. J. S. Harrison, of Deloraine.
Launceston Examiner, 15 June 1880
By the courtesy of the Rev. R. M’Cullough, the pastor of the Baptist Church here, I have been favoured with an inspection of the plans of the Longford Tabernacle, the laying of the foundation stone of which I gave you full particulars in my last. I may mention that the plans are drawn for both the Longford and Deloraine churches, the two places of worship corresponding in all respects. The style of architecture appears to be Corinthian, four massive columns abutting on the front of the main building, which will be lighted by ten plate glass windows, four on either side or two in the front. The inside measurement is–length, 55ft; width, 32ft; affording sitting accommodation for 300 people in the centre of the church, with provision for more seats when required down one side of each aisle next the wall. A gallery can also be erected, if necessary, at a future time over the front entrance. The platform at the back of the building will be surrounded by a neat railing, the baptistry, which is to be formed of cement, being in the centre. On each side of the platform there will be a door leading to the vestry, 24 feet by 16 feet. This will have folding doors across the centre of it, so that it can be used for either one or two rooms, as occasion may require. The cost of both churches (Longford and Deloraine) will be borne by William Gibson, Esq., sen., of Perth, whose interest in the spiritual welfare of the people has evoked such commendatory results. The silver trowel presented to Mrs Gibson, which that lady used upon both occasions, was subscribed for at both places, and has yet to be engraved to that effect. A cavity (as is customary) was left under the stone for depositing documents and newspapers, but much to the surprise of those present at the ceremony, it was not needed. Mr M’Cullough holds three services here weekly, on Sunday morning and Thursday evening in the Temperance Hall, and on Sunday afternoon in the Assembly Rooms, all well attended, the two latter especially so; he also recently opened a Sunday school in connection with this church, six teachers, and nearly thirty scholars attending, with good prospects of a steady increase after the winter is over, many of the children living at a distance.
Launceston Examiner, 18 June 1880
The Longford Tabernacle is approaching completion, and is expected to be ready for opening about the second week in December. This is the second place of worship the contractors, Messrs T. Humphries, jun., and Farmilow, have built here within the last twelve months, and reflects great credit upon them, both as regards workmanship and expedition.
Launceston Examiner, 16 November 1880
The opening services of the Tabernacle, the foundation, or properly speaking, corner stone of which was laid by Mrs Win. Gibson, sen., on the 11th June last, were held on Sunday, success crowning the efforts of those through whose instrumentality and kind liberality the building has been erected. The weather in the morning was fine, but during the afternoon several showers of rain fell, continuing at intervals throughout the evening. This, however, did not seem to interfere with the resolutions of those who had determined to be present, the afternoon congregation being so large that not only was the Tabernacle (with extra sitting accommodation both on and near the platform) filled, but fully fifty had to be seated in the vestry at the rear of the main building. Mr and Mrs Gibson (the donors) were present at the first two services, as were also a number of other residents from Perth, Deloraine, Carrick, Bishopsbourne, Cressy, and Illawarra, were also each re presented throughout the day, the attendance being estimated as follows :-Morning and evening about 400, afternoon 450.
Launceston Examiner, 15 December 1880