43 Arthur St, Sorell. Google Maps.
Foundation stone laid 1840. Church opened 1842.
Category Archives: Sorell
St Thomas’s Catholic Church, Sorell
St George’s Anglican Church, Sorell
The first church was built in the 1820s. Eventually it reached such a state of disrepair that it could no longer be used for services. It was pulled down and the materials used to build a new, smaller church that was consecrated in 1885.
Construction & consecration of first church
On Monday last, His Honor the LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR accompanied by the Chief Justice, Captain Cotton, Captain Montagu, Captain Lockyer, the Rev. Mr. Bedford, the Rev. Mr. Garrard, Mr. Lambe, Mr. Gordon, Mr. Butcher, and a large assemblage of Ladies and Gentlemen of the neighbourhood, laid the first stone of St. George’s Church, Sorell Town. After the ceremony, Mr. Garrard delivered an impressive discourse. It awakened emotions peculiarly sweet and touching, to see an assembly meet, for the first time, to hear the truths of the gospel on a spot which had been, since the creation, under the dominion of ignorance. We could not divest ourselves from the idea, that the offspring of the surrounding territory were to look for salvation from the truths about to be promulgated in the temple now erecting. Without improvement in religion, all other improvement is but vain and profit less. After the discourse His Honor visited the Public School, and was pleased to express himself satisfied, with the progress of the scholars.
Hobart Town Gazette, 13 August 1825
Hobart Town Gazette, 20 August 1825
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