(demolished) St Mary’s Catholic Church, Cullenswood

1859-1899, 1909
Located near Catholic cemetery.


(From a Correspondent)
ON Sunday last, the new Catholic Church which has just been erected, in our little Village, was consecrated for Divine Service by the Lord Bishop of Hobart Town, assisted by the Revd. Mr. Fitzgerald. The little Church was densely crowded in every part. There were between 250 and 300 persons present, all of whom seemed to listen with breathless attention to His Lordship’s discourse, in which he dwelt most strongly on the evils of intemperance, a vice which is, unfortunately, too prevalent in this district. After the sermon a collection was made, and the munificent sum of £78 was realised. It is highly creditable to the Catholics of this District that they have succeeded so well in this undertaking. A great deal of praise is due to the zealous endeavors of their worthy pastor, who during the last two or three years has labored most indefatigably for this object. And when it is considered that Campbell Town is more than 50 miles distant from our Village, over a very bad road, some idea maybe formed of the difficulties which have had to he contended with.

The Church which is of an extremely chaste and simple style of architecture is amply fitted for the present wants of the congregation ; it is 40 feet long, by 20 broad. At one end, a beautiful bell turret has been erected, and we were pleased to hear the merry sound of its little bell on Sunday last. A fine Gothic window fills the east end, ii which, we are told, it is in contemplation to have painted.
Hobart Town Daily Mercury, 5 February 1859
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