Anglican Church, Parattah


669 Tunnack Rd, Parattah. Google Maps
Opened 1904. For saleĀ 2004, 2006, 2007

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PARATTAH, February 6.
The foundation stone of the new Church of England building was laid to-day by Bishop Mercer. The function commenced by a procession marching from the Jubilee-hall, the Sunday School children with their superintendents leading. Then came members of the church and congregation, and the churchwardens. The Rev. J. A. Priestley, carrying the Bishop’s staff, and Bishop Mercer coming last.

The site of the new building had been given by Mr. Burbury, member for the District, and is situated facing the main street of Parattah. The assemblage formed around the stone, and the Bishop read the service, the Oatlands choir rendering the music, led b by Mr. J. W. Parsons, who also presided at the organ.
The Mercury, 7 February 1903


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St George’s, Parattah. at the time of opening. Weekly Courier, 3 December 1904.

Parattah was “en fete” on Tuesday, afternoon the occasion being the dedication by the Lord Bishop of the new Anglican Church. The building is a substantial weatherboard structure, and is an ornament to the township. The attendance at the ceremony was excellent, many visitors from the surrounding districts being present. His Lordship was assisted by the rector of the parish, Rev. J. A. Priestley. The choir of St. Peter’s Church, Oatlands, with Miss Tapp as organist, rendered valuable assistance. In the evening a social was held in the Jubilee Hall. Mr. Bennett, M.H.A., was chairman.. After a select musical programme was submitted, his Lordship delivered his lecture on “Social Equality,” which was greatly appreciated by the large audience present. Dr. Mercer made a very good impression on all, and his next visit will be eagerly looked forward to. During his short stay the Bishop visited the local state school.
The Examiner, 6 October 1904

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Interior of St George’s, Parattah. Weekly Courier, 1 April 1905.

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