St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Launceston

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Opened 1850, to replace the Scottish National Church in lower Charles St.


THE FOUNDATION STONE of the Launceston “St. Andrew’s” has been laid : the work is in rapid progress, and at no remote day will be opened for the celebration of divine service. The presbyterians of this town were too long content with a place of worship inferior in every respect to that of any other denomination. But they awakened from their lethargy, and now aspire to occupy a public building which will be the most conspicuous ornament in the north. The munificence of some of the subscribers merits praise : they have come foward in a spirit of liberality which reflects honor on the profession they make. But the sum to be expended far exceeds the amount guaranteed; and although the building committee have faith in the result, we should be gratified to see them relieved from a responsibility too onerous for individuals to discharge. Let every presbyterian, how ever humble, put the question to himself: what more can I afford for the cost of this fabric ? and especially let the prosperous in that communion, both in Launceston and elsewhere; consider seriously what they can spare for the work. The building in which service is now conducted, with the land attached, would sell for a considerable sum, and should its alienation be necessary, we trust the lieutenant-governor will not refuse his assent. We hope this will be conceded, and that the presbyterians will be left at liberty to dispose of their abandoned place worship, and to apply the proceeds in liquidation of the debt, which after all their exertions must be incurred for the new and beautiful edifice.
Launceston Examiner, 27 October 1849


Presbyterian Church.- A meeting of the Presbyterian congregation was held on Monday evening which was very fully attended: William Gunn, Esq , in the chair. After being opened with prayer by the Rev Mr Anderson a report of the building committee of the new church was read detailing the progress and completion of the work, from which it appeared that no Government aid beyond the gift of the site had been received towards its erection, the total cost of which had been 3956l. Of this sum about 2922l had been raised by voluntary contributions. It was agreed to open “St Andrews Church” on Sabbath 8th December, and to let the seats for the first half-year on Saturday 30th instant being St Andrew’s day. The seats were to be let to all applicants, giving the priority of choice to those subscribers whose names stand highest in amount on the building subscription list.
The Courier, 30 November 1850


This Church will be opened on Sunday next, the 8th instant. The Rev. Dr. Lillie will preach in the morning ; the Rev. Mr. Ewing in the afternoon and evening.
Colonial Times, 3 December 1850


St. Andrew’s Church.-On Sunday last the new Presbyterian Church was opened for divine worship. The Rev. Dr. Lillie preached in the morning, and the Rev. R. K. Ewing in the afternoon andd evening. The collections amounted to £49. The building is very commodious, is handsomely finished, and reflects much credit upon Mr. Tyson, the contractor
The Courier, 14 December 1850



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