It has been decided to build a new Anglican Church at Meander to seat 150, the present building being too small and inconvenient. It will be let for state and Sunday schools, lanterns, socials, etc. It is hoped the Bishop will be able to lay the corner stone of the new building when he comes for Confirmation about November.
Launceston Examiner, 11 July 1896
The Archdeacon of Hobart is announced to lecture to-morrow evening in St. Mark’s school-room under the title of “A chat about New Guinea.” As the rev. gentleman will speak from personal observation, the address should prove very interesting Mr. A. Gridley’s tender for roofing St Mark’s Church has been accepted; also Mr. Reilly’s (Exton) for building a new Anglican church at Meander.
Launceston Examiner, 19 May 1897
DELORAINE, Wednesday,
The corner stone of St. Saviour’s Church, Meander, was laid to-day by Canon Beresford, in. the presence of a large number of people, including visitors from Deloraine. Rev. R. H. Cristies and the rector, Rev. L. T. Tarleton, were also present. Upwards of £15 was laid on the stone. After the ceremony, tea was provided in the Meander Hall, the property of Mr. F. J. Bowman, a generous benefactor to the church. About £90 has been raised in 11 months, leaving £50 to be collected by the opening at Christmas time. Mr. H. H. Freeman is the architect, and Mr. Reilly the contractor, and much valuable work ,has been done by residents.
Launceston, 23 September 1897
MEANDER, Feb. 3.
Our little church was formerly opened to-day by the Bishop of New Guinea. The congregation was large, and included many prominent residents from Deloraine. The clergy present were The Revs. Brammall, Christie, and Tarleton. The Rev. Sharland met with an accident while driving from West bury, so was unfortunately absent. The singing was hearty, and Miss Fitzgerald presided at the organ. The Bishop spoke at some length about mission work, pointing at that we should encourage by our prayers and alms the work of civilising and evangelising the heathen. After the ser vice the congregation moved to the hall and partook of refreshments, which were abundantly supplied by the ladies of the district, and then games, etc., were indulged in. In the evening the Bishop again spoke of New Guinea, and exhibited some curios made and used by the natives, many being works of art. Music was sup plied by Miss Woodberry and Mrs. Anderson (Victoria). Mr. H. V. Allison kindly contributed a solo, and played the accompaniments, expressing himself delighted with our grand piano, of which we are justly proud. The church was admired by all, and is a handsome structure; in fact, the best outside Deloraine. Mr. Tarleton, during the evening, thanked all who had taken part.
Launceston Examiner, 5 February 1898
The beautiful Church of St. Saviour, Meander, has now only a debt of £30 upon it, the altar being given by the church wardens of All Saints, Hobart, and it is hoped 10 seats will be given by local residents.
Launceston Examiner, 14 July 1898
Glen Nutting
June 4, 2018 at 2:35pmSadly the Anglican Church wants to sell St. Saviours. My Great Great Grandfather and Grandmother, my Great Grandfather and Grandmother and most of my family are buried out the back. The cemetery should be put on a seperate title and access should be available.This is sacred ground for our family and its cemetary is NOT for sale.
Susie Johnston
August 30, 2018 at 10:07amWe are doing all we can to stop this sale, Glen. I am married to Mike Johnston, who is Graham and Anne’s son. Graham’s mother was a Boxhall and her mother was a Nutting. James Boxhall, son of Bevan and Geraldine Boxhall is leading the charge. We have had a couple of town meetings and are preparing a submission as we speak to stop this from happening. Don’t worry, if they try to sell it, we won’t let them! Perhaps call James if you want to offer support. his phone number is 0419 405 086
Susie Johnston
vicki burgess
November 12, 2018 at 12:24pmmy parents Walter George and Edna May Rowe are buried there as is my great nana. All the Sullivans were best friends with my parents. Even now y ou see they surround each other. I went to sunday school there, was corfirmed there, went to primary school there. I find it very disgusting that its trated like a lump of dirt. When i come home from Sydney i go and sit there for ages with mum and dad just thinking. The thought of someone taking that away from me makes me sick. No one will disturb my parents while i m alive. The condition of the church is disgusting, i would have thought a working gro uip could have fixed all that up. So sorry if i seem upset and angry but i am. If there is anything i can do please let me know but i say again leave my parent resting place alone or else. my email is 0423935241 best regards vicki burgess