Chant Street Methodist Church/Uniting Church, East Launceston


3 Chant Stree, East Launceston. Google Maps.

Opened 1927.

Photo 1955


The foundation stone of the East Launceston Methodist Church, in Chant street. was declared “well and truly laid” by the Rev. R. Ditterich on Saturday afternoon. There was a good attendance of adherents and friends of the Methodist churches of Launceston. The service opened with the singing of the well-known hymn, “We Love the Place, O God. Wherein Thine Honour Dwells.” The Rev. H. F. Allen, of Margaret-street Church, offered prayer, which was followed by a responsive Psalm reading led by Rev. F. L. Nunn. Mr. Ditterich, after expressing his pleasure at having the privilege of laying the foundation stone, said that they were all glad to be present to witness another step forward in the cause of Methodism represented in the erection of a church at East Launceston. It was an event that they had been looking forward to for a long time. While the building of a church in that particular district might mean that the attendances at other Methodist churches in the city would be affected, yet they were extremely thankful to note the progress that was thus being made, and earnestly prayed and hoped for the success of the new venture.

Examiner, 21 March 1927


The new Methodist church at Chant-street, East Launceston, was dedicated on Sunday morning last, when the Rev. R. Ditterich, chair man of the Tasmanian Methodist Assembly, preached. The building was well filled, notwithstanding the very inclement weather. In the afternoon a special service for young people was held, and close on 50 children were en rolled as Sunday school scholars. Several baptisms added interest to the service. In the evening there was again a good attendance, when the Rev. A. Mathewson, L.Th., preach ed. Mrs Wilson presided at the organ, and at the various services sacred solos were sung by Miss Goninon, Mrs Swinton and Miss Vera Mitchell. The building is a very neat structure, standing on a most conspicuous site, and its erection has been met with hearty appreciation by many in the locality, as was shown by the attendances under such unfavorable conditions.

Daily Telegraph, 21 June 1927



The progress of the Methodist Church in Launceston was marked by a gathering at the Chant-street Methodist Church on Saturday afternoon. The occasion was the laying of bricks for the extension of the building. Rev. A. Mathewson, L.Th., minister in charge, presided, and visiting ministers were Revs. H. F. Allen, B.A. (Margaret street), W. H. Leembruggen (Invermay), and F. E. Richards, L.Th. (Paterson-street), all of whom took part in the ceremony. A large number of members of the church and others interested in its progress also attended. The existing building is 52ft. long by 26ft. wide. Such has been the need for the church, however, that extension has be come desirable. The addition, work on which has started, is at the rear. It includes a room 39ft. long and 19ft. wide, and another (a kitchen), 16ft. by 8ft. The extension will be of brick, in conformity with the main building, and Messrs. J. and T. Gunn’s contract for its erection transpires in about two months.

The ceremony began with a hymn, followed by a prayer and a children’s hymn. Mr. E. Solomon, a steward of the Paterson-street Church, who is stated to have been responsible for the original structure in Chant-street, addressed the children, giving them a par able on bricklaying. The ceremony of bricklaying was then carried out by the children. After another hymn and prayer the gathering partook of after noon tea, kindly supplied by the ladies of the church.
The Examiner, 6 August 1928


One thought on “Chant Street Methodist Church/Uniting Church, East Launceston

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    Heather Carmichael

    February 6, 2017 at 1:10am

    I wish to renew my membership for use of the tennis court. Can you please advise who I should make contact with and the cost. My partner and I were members a few years back and the cost was $50.00 for the year.
    Heather Carmichael & Peter Goss

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