Built as a multi-denominational mission hall in 1882.
Opened as Wesleyan church in 1885.
EVANDALE MISSION HALL.-A correspondent at Evandale, writing on Thurs day, says;– “The Mission Hall in this place has been erected to the order of Mrs. Henry Reed, at a cost of upwards of £400. The building will seat between 100 to 200, and is an ornament to the township. Pastor Hiddlestone con ducted the opening service on Sunday last, when, despite the inclemency of the weather, about 120 or so attended. Pastor Williamson conducted the evening service to an attentive audience. Special services have been held by Pastor Williamson and Hiddlestone each evening during the week with some measure of encouragement. The Mission Band came out from Launceston on two evenings, and by their playing through the town ship, enlivened the people, and quite a large number came to the services.
Launceston Examiner, 27 October 1883
The Mission-hall was opened on Sunday week by Messrs. Hiddlestone and J. L. Smith, and, notwithstanding the inclemency of tho weather, a good number were present. Mr. Smith said that the hall had been built by Mrs. Reed for evangelistic purposes, and invited Christians of all denominations to help. Pastor Williamson, of Perth, preached in the evening to a large congregation, and services were held each evening during the week by Pastor Hiddlestone, Williamson, Bond (of Deloraine), Smith, and other gentlemen. On two occasions the services of a brass band were brought into requisition,, much to tho delight of tho young people? Tho meetings were very orderly.
The Mercury 31 October 1883
The special services in the Mission Hal are still well attended, conducted, as usual, by Pastors Williamson, Smith, and Hiddlestone. I understand the Baptists, Presbyterians, and the Wesleyans will sink their little difference of opinion, and will in the future unite and work together in the new hall erected by Mrs Reed for evangelistic services – the services being arranged at a time when there will be no service at any other place of worship.
Daily Telegraph 20 October 1883
This church was built about two years since by Mrs. H. Reed at a cost of £500. No doubt her motives were of the purest character, and she erected the edifice for the glory of her Master, but a clique had the management, and their objects being different from Mrs. Reed’s, consequently the two parties did not ride in the same carriage, hence the church was closed up by the above-named lady when she saw the probable result. Mrs. Reed having closed the building, subsequently offered it for sale to the Wesleyans for £300, which they accepted, and paid cash for the purchase. Thus was threatening social trouble well ended.
The Mercury, 18 March 1886
EVANDALE WESLEYAN CHURCH: – A correspondent informs us that on Monday evening a meeting was held in the Wesleyan Church, at Evandale, to make arrangements for the public opening of the new building recently purchased from Mrs. Reed. Mr. Jos. Atkins took the chair, Mr. W. Bond acting as secretary. As it had already been decided to open the building for Divine service on Sunday, the 1st proximo, when sermons appropriate to the occasion will be preached by the superintendent of the circuit, the Rev. H. Baker, it was resolved that a public tea- meeting be held on Tuesday, the 3rd, the proceeds over and above the incidental expenses to go to the Church Building Fund, the tender of Mr. Billing, to provide the tea to be accepted, and that the Evandale Brass Band and the Drum and Fife Band, be invited to attend. The following gentlemen were appointed to carry out the necessary arrangements : — Messrs. Jos. Atkins, W. Bond, W. Rowsthorne, W. Tuck, W. Farmer, Ed. Smith, — Page, snr., Enos E. Atkins, Jas. Greer, and Walter Maitland.
Launceston Examiner, 18 February 1885
The public tea in connection with the opening of the new Wesleyan Church here come off on the 3rd inst. in the show buildings. The place was decorated with flags, flowers, etc., and the tea was laid out in the front wing of the building. At about 5 o’clock the brass band, led by Mr. Wackstaumeester, of Longford, started from Mr.Porter’s, and came to tho buildings playing a lively tune. The fife and drum band also soon put in an appearance, under the leader-ship of Mr. Hodkinsin.
The Mercury, 9 March 1885