Hotel Accommodation in Launceston (1860)


Launceston has long been favorably known for the good character of its hotels, and we believe it was or is in advance of the southern capital. Placed as this town is with regard to the other colonies, it is important that it should always be able to offer to travellers and strangers the comforts and conveniences which every Englishman expects to find in his hotel. We have therefore great pleasure in noticing the improvements which have within a recent period been effected by the enterprise of the proprietors of the leading hotels in Launceston.

First in order of time as well as in reputation we have the Launceston Hotel, where, on the site of one of our Tasmanian antiquities the old “Launceston” a commodious and elegant building was erected between two and three years ago by the present proprietor, Mr. William Carpenter. This building was at once a credit to the proprietor, the architect, and the town. The front in Brisbane street was the first innovation here on tile prevailing style of hotel architecture, and in the internal arrangement of the building convenience and comfort were specially provided for. The centre of the ground floor consists of a public room, 21 feet by 1f feet; the left wing includes a suite of elegantly furnished rooms, securing privacy and convenience; the bar being in the right wing ‘of the building. The upper floor consists of bed-rooms and parlors most conveniently arranged for the accommodation of families and others visitors; and having in front an airy balcony. The billiard-room adjoins the building at the back, and the stables are entered from St John-street. The reputation of this establishment for respectability has been well sustained, and its commanding position and influential country support give it a prominent place amongst the hotels of the colony.

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1870 Launceston & Selby

(Some of the links below lead to posts that are currently in draft mode so not publicly available.)

The following applications for public house and packet licenses were made and granted at the annual licensing meeting held at the Court House on Thursday, the 1st instant :—

William Atkinson, Elephant and Castle, Wellington and Frederick streets
Henry A’Beaven, Edinburgh Castle, Frederick and Bathurst streets
William Bull, Tam O’Shanter, Canning-street
Edward Brooks, Criterion Hotel, St. John-street
William Burston, Fire Brigade, Brisbane street
Thomas Bruff, Horse and Jockey, York-street
John Blackburn, Marine Hotel, Esplanade
Mary Butterworth, Court House Hotel, Patterson and Wellington streets
William Bryant, Ship Inn, wharf
George Brooks, Butcher’s Arms, Bathurst-street
John Cole, All the Year Round, Wellington Road
Benjamin Crow, Market House Tavern, St. John and William streets
Charles Maryon Crookes, Jolly Butchers, Balfour street
Henry Clayfield, Bath Arms, New Town
Andrew Clephane, Carpenter’s Arms, Charles-street
Edward Cawe, Crown lnn, Elizabeth and Bathurst streets
Wm. Chester, White Hart Inn, Wellington-street
Michael Austin Cleary, Cornwall Hotel, Brisbane and Charles streets
Timothy Dynan, Steam Packet Hotel, Lower George-street
Phillip Davis, Glasgow Wine Vaults, George-street
Joseph Dyson, Shakespeare Hotel, Quadrant
William Darcy, Railway Tavern, York-street
Henry Evans, Coach and Horses, Charles-street
Jane Green, Hibernia Inn, Brisbane and Bathurst streets
William Job Harris, York Hotel, York-street
John Hardy, Volunteer Hotel, George and Brisbane streets
Robert Jones, Sydney Hotel, Elizabeth-street
Fredrick Jones, Union lnn, George-street
James Lilly, Salmon and Ball, William-street
James Ley, Royal Arch, George Town Road
Ellen Morrison, Launceston Hotel, Brisbane-street
John Mason, Caledonia Wine Vaults, George and York streets
Margaret M’Cann, Black Horse, Wellington and Elizabeth streets
Robt. F. Mitchell, the O’Connell Hotel, Frankland-street and Wellington road
William Henry Mence, Terminus Hotel, William and Tamar streets
Henry Davy Parr, Royal Hotel, Wellington-street
Elijah E. Panton, Enfield Hotel, Charles-street
Joshua Peck, Queen’s Head, Wellington-street
Patrick Rice, George Inn, Elizabeth and Wellington streets
William Rankin, Royal Oak, Brisbane and Tamar streets
Gavin Scott, Commercial Hotel, George and Cimitiere streets
Joseph White Simmons, Brisbane Hotel, Brisbane-street
Wm. Turner, Bull’s Head, Charles and York streets
George Talmage, City Hotel, St. John-street
Benjamin West, Scottish Chief, Wellington and Canning streets
Feltham Bold Watson, London Hotel, St. John and Cameron streets
Thomas Woods, Shamrock Hotel, Elizabeth-street.

Richard Barker, Woolpack Inn, Breadalbane
James Featherstone, Cricket Club Hotel, Hadspen
David Jones, Scottsdale Tavern, Scottsdale
John Lethborg, Traveller’s Rest, Scottsdale
Josiah Pitcher, Rising Sun
Thos. Rosevear, Rose Hotel, West Tamar
James Thomas Smith, Race Course Hold, Mowbray
Joseph Stanley, Hadspen Hotel, Hadspen
Jas. E. Upton, Newstead Inn, Newstead
Thos. Wootton, Bush Inn, West Tamar.

Henry Thomas Collings, Tasmanian Inn, Patterson-street
Charles Cooley, Star Hotel, Charles-street
Medmer Lushington Goodwin, Prince Alfred Hotel, William street
Eleanor Locke, Prince of Wales, York and Wellington streets
Michael Lawler, Wilmot Arms, Brisbane and Wellington streets
Mary Ann Spearman, Duke of Wellington, Wellington-street
William Spearman, Royal Mail Hotel, Charles and Patterson streets
Thomas Wadham, Plough Inn, Charles and Patterson streets.

Thos. Burnett, Traveller’s Rest, Muddy Plains
William Cain Crew, Sir William Wallace, Franklin Village
Randall Risley, Swan Inn, King’s Meadows.

Nicholas Gannon, Albion Inn, George and York streets
Henry King, Sportsman’s Hall, Charles and Balfour streets.

John Baker, Young Town Inn, Young Town
John Moore, Prince of Wales, Franklin Village
Walter Harris, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards.

William Edwards, Vine Grove House, Scotsdale.

George Talmage, steamer Pioneer, trading between Launceston and the North-West Coast.

Charles Edwards, East Tamar Hotel, East Tamar, was the only applicant refused a license.

When the application of Mrs Green for a renewal of the license to the Hibernian Inn was called on, Mr Turnbull asked whether the house was required in the locality. Mr Coulter said it was a necessity, as there was no other public house near it, and it was one of the cleanest and best-conducted houses in town.
The Mayor said Mrs Green was a most industrious, respectable woman who conducted the house admirably. He had visited and inspected the house, and found it a model of cleanliness.
The Chairman added–And that we may assume to be the nearest approach to godliness that can be expected of a publican.
Cornwall Chronicle, 5 December 1870

Salmon & Ball — Riverview

Cnr William & Charles St, Launceston. Google Maps.
Recently demolished.

Photo (and others below), 2016

First licensed to James Lilly 1850, as the Salmon & Ball Hotel.
Owned by James Lilly until his death in 1882, but licensed to William Wilkinson and William & Mary Doodie. When Lilly’s estate was sold, William Doodie purchased the hotel, made improvements and renamed it “River View Hotel”.

Photo, 1992

Photo, August 2018

An interesting feature of this hotel is it was built on the site of the barque Kains that was dragged ashore and converted to a warehouse. It appears on Smythe’s map of 1835, marked as a ship.

The Cains Creek was at the bottom of Charles-street, where formerly the Salmon and Ball, but now the River View Hotel, stands. It was an artificial creek, dug out to allow the ship Cairns, wrecked in Whirlpool Reach, to be brought up and secured ; she was then roofed over, like a veritable Noah’s Ark, and was for some time used as a bonding store.
The Tasmanian, 14 May 1892

An interesting feature was the bonded warehouse situated at the foot of Charles Street, where the River View Hotel stands today. Actually that warehouse comprised the barque Kaines, which was wrecked at Whirlpool Reach and afterwards condemned.It was procured by a Launceston syndicate and floated through a canal to the block of land mentioned. A roof was put over it and a doorway cut in the side, it then being used for the warehouse.
The Mercury, 5 April 1935

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1882 Launceston (part)

[list cut]
On the application of Joseph W. Bossward for a licence for the Royal Oak Hotel, Brisbane and Tamar streets, being read, the Mayor said the arrangement of the rooms of the house was not at all what they should be, and a renewal was granted conditionally on certain improvements being made.

The application of Wm. Bassett for a renewal of the license for the Bath Arms was granted on the condition that three rooms be added to the house as suggested by the Mayor.

On Wm. Doodie’s application being read for a license for the Salmon and Ball Hotel, Charles and William streets, the Mayor said the house was very imperfectly furnished, and the license was granted on the understanding that proper furniture should be procured for the bedrooms.

Wm. Laing applied for a renewal of tile license of the Crown Inn, Bathurst and Elizabeth streets. Mr. Coulter said that no improvement had been made in this house since the last annual meeting, although the license was then granted conditionally on certain improvements being made. He did not see how it was possible to make the house fit for a hotel. Mr. Grubb then moved that the license be not granted, stating that although he was part owner of the house, he would be pleased to see it swept away. Mr. G. T. Collins appeared for the applicant, and addressed the Bench on his behalf. Mr. Hudson said if the wishes of the Bench at the last licensing meeting had not been carried out, and the necessary improvements made, their duty was quite clear. The question was then put to the vote, and the application refused.

The application of James Denton for a license for the All the Year Round Hotel, Wellington street, was granted, Mr. Den tonbeing informed that if the premises were not improved meantime the license would be refused at the next meeting.

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1850 Launceston & some country

The Annual Licensing Meeting for the district of Launceston, including the subdistricts of George Town, Morven, and Port Sorell, was held at the Court House on Monday last, the 2nd September. The business commenced at 11 o’clock, a.m. when the following Justices were present : —

John Sinclair, James Robertson, John Atkinson, John Cameron, K. J. King, Francis Evans, W. Wheeler, W. G. Sams, and Joceylin Thomas, Esquires, besides Mr. William Gunn the Police Magistrate, and Mr. R. Wales, A. P. M. of Morven, Major Welman, Captains Stewart, Bateman, Neilley, and Lieutenant Friend.

Wm. Gunn, Esq., was voted to the chair, when M. Kennedy read a letter from the Colonial Secretary, the substance of which specified, that the Licenses were restricted to 61 at Launceston, George Town 4, and the other districts unlimited.

The Chairmen briefly addressed the meeting as to the general excellent conduct of the Licensed Victuallers of Launceston. After eulogizing the good order that was observable in their houses, “it was,” (said the worthy magistrate) highly gratifying to him to state that only eight convictions during the last twelve months had taken place amongst the whole body of the publicans in Launceston, which certainly redounded to their credit,” and he (Mr. Gunn) “thought it his duty to apprize his brother magistrates of it.”

The business then commenced by considering applications for a renewal of old licenses, when the following were unanimously granted.

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1840 Launceston

From the Launceston Advertiser, 3 September 1840:


The following applications for licenses, for 1841, were granted:—
Mr. J. M’Allan, Glasgow Tavern
Mr. W. Brean, Cross Keys
Mr. W. Brown, Mermaid, West Tamar;
Mr. Robert Brand, Ship Inn
Mr. E. Bartlett, Victoria Tavern
Mr. Joseph Barrett, King’s Head
John Barrett, Black Horse
E. Brown, Perth
W. Collins, Bulls Head
J. Corbett, Green Gate
C. Coward, ______
T. Dudley, Black Swan
J. Fossey, Hibernia
T. Fall, Portland Inn
T. Faro, Half Moon
W. M. Grayling, Dover Castle
R Heaney, Perth
John Hinshaw, Kangaroo
B. Hyrons, London Tavern
J Ives, George and Dragon
B. Jones, Franklin Village
John M’Kenzie, Scottish Chiefs
W. Kitson, Albion Inn
G. Lukin, Wharf House
A. Martini, Sawyers Arms
P. Monaghan, Britannia
W. Mason. Elephant and Castle
R. Pitt, St. Andrews Inn
G. Radford, Golden Lion
R, Robson, Crown Inn
Samuel Sherlock, George Town
C. Suisted, Steam Packet Tavern
J. G. Thomas, George and Dragon
Joseph Thorn, Coach and Horses
Susan Weavers, Duke of York
A. Wood, George Town
J. Wood, Cornwall Hotel.


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