** International Hotel (1)

North side of Brisbane Mall. Google Maps, approximate location.

– 1873 Coker
1873- Michael Cleary
-1883- William Throw
1886 Changed
-1890- George William Barber, International Hotel, Brisbane-street

International Hotel, 1891
Courtyard, 1891
(old links, might not work)
International Hotel, 1891

From “Quarterly Licensing Meeting”
Thomas Coker. In respect of the house situate in Brisbane-street, and to be called the “International Hotel.”
Mr Superintendent Coulter said he had examined the premises, the alterations in which had just been completed. The hotel would consist of thirty-seven rooms, and would afford more accommodation and of a better class than any other hotel in town.
Mr Adye Douglas, who represented the applicant, said that the premises were doubtless well-known to all the magistrates present. The hotel would be of a first-class character and could not come under the category of in-creasing the number of “drinking houses” in town. The applicant, Mr Coker, was well-known in Victoria where he had long success-fully conducted a good hotel. He believed it was Mr Coker’s intention to start a similar hotel in Hobart Town. In reply to Mr Turnbull, Mr Douglas said the hotel here would be conducted under Mr Coker’s personal supervision.
Mr Mason was of opinion that the “International” would be just the class of hotel required to put an end to inferior houses.
There being no opposition; the licence was granted.
Launceston Examiner,2 May 1871

Launceston Examiner, 6 May 1871
Launceston Examiner, 22 August 1871

Billiard License.— A billiard license was granted to Mr Thomas Cokcr, of the International Hotel, until the end of the year.
Cornwall Chronicle, 28 August 1871

The Mercury, 5 March 1872

Colonel Shaw’s lectures — excellent though they be — have not prevented the publicans preparing as well as other sinners some acceptable offerings for Christmas. The manager at the International. Hotel has actually offered bottles containing Reisling, Mosel Mousseu, Pedro Xinenes (whoever he is), geneva, rum, brandy, “Scotch whuskey,” the real “Glenlivet,” and other terrible alcoholic productions by the bottle, at reduced prices, during the Christmas holidays. And these bottles containing such noxious ingredients are decorated with ferns, real holly with the red berries on, and are made to look very cool, tempting, and harmless.
The Tasmanian, 30 December 1871

This splendid band performed in the courtyard of the International Hotel from 8 to 10 o’clock on Monday evening, but the crowd made so free by stopping up the gateway and thoroughfare on the foot path it was found necessary to close the massive gates–the band continuing to play inside.
The Tasmanian, 10 February 1872

The International Hotel. — This hotel, the largest and most complete in the colony, has been taken by Mr M. A. Cleary, of the Cornwall Hotel. The Cornwall is, we understand to be disestablished, and converted into a chemist’s and druggist’s shop. Mr Cleary has succeeded in attracting a good hotel business to quite a new house, the Cornwall, and he is therefore the more likely to succeed in conducting the larger adjoining establishment, the International Hotel.
Cornwall Chronicle, 4 April 1873

“THE INTERNATIONAL.” We understand it is probable that Mr M.A. Cleary will take this admirable hotel in succession to Mr Coker. Should this arrangement be carried out, the Cornwall Hotel, in conducting which Mr Cleary has became favorably known, will once more revert to its original character, that of on ordinary shop.
Examiner, 5 April 1873

Payment of Wages.-Thomas Haines proceeded against William Ignatius Thrower, of the International Hotel, to recover £10 14s alleged to be due to him as wages. Thomas Haines stated he was engaged in Melbourne by a Mrs Brown to come to Launceston at a salary of £1 per week, as waiter in the defendant’s hotel ; he produced the agreement drawn up for him by Mrs Brown for three months ; he came to Launceston, his fare being paid optionally by the defendant, and commenced work on the 12th July; after working for nine days Mr Thrower gave him a week’s notice to quit, which witness refused to take ; he left however when the week expired, and asked for the money due to him ; all that was offered was 6s for a week and two days’ work, £1 being deducted for the fare from Melbourne. Witness sued for wages due for the three as months, as per agreement. William Ignatius Thrower asserted he gave Mrs Brown no authority to engage the complainant for three months; the merely sent her a telegram as follows:-“Send by Mangana competent waiter, unmarried ; £1 per week; dress coat indispensable;” witness had agreed with the complainant that there should be a week’s notice on either side; previous to leaving the plaintiff was not a competent waiter, and had refused to wear his dress coat at table on several occasions. The Bench decided to dismiss the case.
Examiner, 3 August 1881

Hotel Changes. — The present season, though a dull one, is only the harbinger of more stirring times, if we may judge from the high prices at which several hotels in Launceston have of late changed hands. The Launceston Hotel, which was last year sold for £6500, has passed into the hands of Mr J. Huston, late of the Criterion Hotel, for £7500. This sum includes a new building in course of erection at the rear of the hotel, in place of the old wooden portion of the hotel that used to exist at the back of the premises. The lease of the Criterion Hotel has passed into the hands of Mr A. Deleuse at a good rental, and now the old Brisbane Hotel will lose the owner who has so long conducted it, Mr J. W. Simmons having sold it to Mr E. H. Panton for £7000, including the fittings, though exclusive of the furniture, and in another month will vacate it. His departure will make the hotel seem strange to those who have frequented it for many years past, while it will also lose its present homely appearance, and be transferred into a more modern-looking hotel by means of a verandah and balcony in front and extensive additions at the rear where the present yard is. A further change will be made known to-day regarding another leading hotel, the International, in the same street, Five tenders have been received by the trustees, Messrs. Douglas, Collins, and Davis, for the lease of the hotel, and these will be opened and the successful tenderer selected to-day. In George-street, Mr J. Edwards, formerly landlord of the Globe Hotel, has this week entered on a lease of the Royal Exchange Hotel, and other changes are reported as likely to take place.
Daily Telegraph, 21 May 1886

** Prince Albert Inn

Charles and Elizabeth St

1867 Martin Blake

Cornwall Chronicle, 5 October 1867
Cornwall Chronicle, 5 October 1867

The Workmen’s Club has boon removed from Patterson-street to the promises at the corner of Charles and Elizabeth-streets, formerly the Prince Albert Hotel, and formal possession was taken on the the inst., when supper-was given. An excellent spread was provided and a very pleasant evening was passed, the President, Adye Douglas, E q., occupying the chair.
Launceston Examiner, 18 June 1868

** Duke of York

Wellington Street.

Cornwall Chronicle, 15 August 1846

Cornwall Chronicle, 2 September 1846

Edward Fiddyment, from Duke of York, Wellington-street, to premises on the opposite side of the street, to be called the Lord Raglan. Mr. Rlocher and Mr. A. Douglas appeared to support the application.
Major Welman stated his opinion in favor of the application on the ground that Mr. Fiddyment was a respectable man and that the house occupied by him at present is in a very dilapidated state, where as and the one to which it was intended to transfer the license was a new one.
The Chairman questioned whether they had the power to transfer a license from one premises to other.
Mr. Rocher quoted the section of the Act referring to granting of transfers, and submitted that it was at the discretion of the meeting whether they granted a transfer from one house to another.
Mr. Douglas said that if the house was in such a dilapidated state the Justices would in a manner impose a penalty upon the applicant in refusing to grant the transfer and thereby compelling him to get a now licence; he considered that as the laws in this colony were getting more liberal than they were some years ago the section of the act should have a liberal construction put upon it; and in the applicants case nobody could possibly be a sufferer by the transfer but some would be gainers.
The Chairman observed that the application was made out in the form for a license, not for a transfer; and taking the application to be for a new license it was a question whether they could grant a licence to one already holding a licence. After a little further discussion Mr. Douglas said the application should be taken as an original licence and the applicant could then petition the treasury for a remission of the licence fee. A licence was then granted on the understanding that Mr. Fiddyment closes the premises now occupied by him on his removal to the opposite premises.
Launceston Examiner, 8 February 1859

** Fire Brigade Hotel

170 Brisbane St. Google Maps.
Later Druids, Imperial, Billabong, Galaxy, Plough Inn


1859-1860 John Sullivan, Fire Brigade, Brisbane St
1860-78 William Burston, Fire Brigade, Brisbane St
1880-87 Michael Lawler, Wilmot Arms, Brisbane Street
1887-88 Edward Bonser, Fire Brigade Hotel, Brisbane Street
1888 Mary Jane Bruff,
1889-91 John Black -died
1891 Emily Black -died
1891-94 William Inall died
1894 Mary Jane Inall
1895-99 James West died
1900 Amelia West

Photo, as Billabong Hotel, 1992

Cornwall Chronicle, 31 December 1859

Fire Brigade Hotel— Our advertising column announce that Mr John Sullivan, our worthy host of Launceston and George Town celebrity, has established himself in those substantial brick premises in Brisbane Street, opposite Mr. J. Monks’ painting and glaring establishment, which he will conduct under the sign of the ‘Fire Brigade Hotel.’ It is only necessary to be made known that Mr Sullivan has become the proprietor of this Hostelries to ensure for him the patronage he has so deservedly enjoyed, and for which he is so justly appreciated Always appreciated as a man of enterprise, Mr. Sullivan is sure to be encouraged by the general public in this, his present appearance in this his former occupation in Launceston.
Cornwall Chronicle, 31 December 1859

Cornwall Chronicle, 19 May 1860
Cornwall Chronicle, 19 May 1860

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*** Sawyer’s Arms (2) – Royal Oak Hotel (2)

Cnr Tamar & Brisbane Streets.
c. 1844


From “Licensing Meeting”:
William Elliott, Black Horse, Brisbane street. Mr. Sams only voted in favour. Refused.
William Spearman, The Sawyers’ Arms, Brisbane and Tamar-streets. Mr. Sams for, the rest against.
John Waldron, for The Albion Hotel, York and George-streets Refused.
The three preceding licenses had been refused to former occupiers at the annualmeeting.

Launceston Advertiser, 2 November 1846

Cornwall Chronicle, 15 February 1851

Cornwall Chronicle, 10 September 1851

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Prince of Wales

NW cnr of Wellington & York Streets. Google Maps.

Previously corner of Paterson & Wellington Streets
1843 John Hinshaw, Prince of Wales, Paterson & Wellington Streets
1844-45 John Hinshaw, Prince of Wales, Paterson & Wellington Streets
1846-48 John Hinshaw, Prince of Wales, York & Wellington Streets
1849-50 Ellen Hinshaw, Prince of Wales, York & Wellington Streets
1851 Albert Locke, Prince of Wales, York & Wellington Steets
to be continued

Photo, 1940s


John Hinshaw. “Prince of Wales,” corner of Wellington and York streets: no convictions; general conduct good ; but the Police Magistrate thought it necessary to mention that when the chief constable visited the house, he found the landlord under the influence of liquor. Mr. Robertson and Captain Neilley said they found the house clean and respectable. Mr. Tarleton-” Yes, my report says clean and neat, but I thought it right to mention what was reported to me by the chief constable.” Mr. Hinshaw-“That’s what Mr. Midgely never saw me in his life.” Captain Stuart corroborated the statements of the other justices. Mr. Tarleton should not oppose the application, but thought Mr. Hinshaw ought to be cautioned. The Chairman said some thing, and Mr. Hinshaw explained that at the time referred to there was just a joke passed, and nothing further. Granted.
Launceston Examiner, 3 September 1847

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