St John Street, eastern side between William Street and Cimitiere St (see bottom)
Previously in George Town
1835 John Gardiner Thomas, George Inn, Launceston
1836-39 John Gardiner Thomas, George Inn, St John Street
1840 John Gardiner Thomas, George & the Dragon, Launceston
Moved to Wellington Street but I’m not sure when it moved. At the annual licensing meeting in 1839 it is in St John Street. On 6 February 1841 (see first advertisement below) it is in Wellington St.
Part of much longer advertisement for “Land Premises Situate in St. John-street, between Messrs. Hewitt, Gore & Co., and Messrs. Smith, Raven, & Co’s. Stores, the whole being divided into four lots, as now let to the respective tenants. Cornwall Chronicle, 13 October 1838
AN IMPROVEMENT. – A public-house near the wharf, known as the George and Dragon, has been converted into a Temperance Coffee-house, and is, we understand, conducted in a very respectable manner by Mr. Stoneham. This will be a very gratifying token of improvement to all advocates of temperance. Launceston Advertiser, 21 January 1841
Location notes
This is from Smythe’s map of 1835. The street marked with a dotted line is St John Street, near the wharf. The two buildings on the corner of William Street were, at the time, Ship Inn and Sailor’s Return. (The 1838 advertisement above details adjoining buildings & an 1852 advertisement put Connolly & Co (formerly Hewitt, Gore & Co) on the corner of Cimitiere Street.) The most likely position is in the group of buildings between Cimitiere & William Streets,
On George Fuller’s map, he places it part way along this block, with the note “Captain John Gardiner Thomas in the thirties, this was before the kept the “George Inn”-it was situated north end of row two story weather board buildings, Mr Ritchies mill is on part same site.”. The Ritchies Mill building is here (brick building with cream trim).
TO BE LET, THOSE eligible Premises at the corner of York and St. John Streets, now in the occupation of Mr. John Furlong. The Premises consist of a House containing seven Rooms, and a good Loft of 40 feet long, well calculated either for a comfortable Private Residence, or for a public House. For further particulars apply to the proprietor, on the premises. JOHN FURLONG. Cornwall Chronicle, 8 August 1835
To be Let. With immediate Possession, that well known Public House, the “Black Horse,” at the corner of York and St John Streets, lately occupied by William Woods. The House is in tenantable repair, and contains seven rooms, with a store above 40 feet long. There is a large Yard, Stable and Skittle Ground, with a good Garden, well stocked with Fruit Trees, &c. Rent moderate to a respectable tenant. Apply to Mr. John Furlong, corner of, Elizabeth and Wellington Streets, or at this Office.
John Furlong seems associated with a number of public houses that don’t seem to exist outside of one notice/advertisement
1835 John Furlong, Tailor’s Arms, Launceston
Cornwall Chronicle, 28 November 1835
TO BE LET, Furnished or Unfurnished, THAT well-known house, situate at the corner of York and St. John-streets, lately occupied as a Public House, by the sign of the HAND and SHEARS, containing 7 large and commodious rooms, with yard adjoining. The situation is so well known, either for public or private business, that comment is unnecessary. The fixtures, which are of the best description for the Public Line, may be had at a valuation. Apply lo Mr. John Furlong, on the premises. Launceston Advertiser, 10 November 1836
[Antonio Martini] By 1823 he had received his ticket-of-leave and moved to Launceston. The same year he bought a town allotment in Tamar Street and three years later purchased adjoining land. In 1825 he received his certificate of freedom and built two dwellings on his land. One structure, a two-storey wooden building with verandah and balcony, was to become known as Martini’s Corner. About 1828 he rented this building to B Smythe, who conducted his Cornwall Collegiate Institution there until 1834, when Martini converted the building to a hotel, calling it the Sawyer’s Arms. He was the licensee until 1843.
About 1832 he started a timber business in partnership with William Burke: in 1833 Martini was listed as a sawyer in Launceston. In 1833 he married Mary O’Mara, who had arrived in Hobart on the Norval in 1830. They had a son, born in 1834, and a daughter, born in 1836. Mary died on 18 June 1836, soon after the birth of her daughter. In 1838 Martini constructed a wooden building in Cameron Street, next to his hotel on the corner of Tamar and Cameron streets, to serve as the first dedicated place of worship for the Catholics of Launceston. It was the Catholic Chapel from 1838 to 1842, when St Joseph’s was opened in Margaret Street. He built a brick hotel on the corner of Brisbane and Tamar streets in 1844. Later named the Royal Oak, it was leased by the Martini family to a succession of publicans until the 1950s when it passed out of the Martini family ownership. Antonio Martini died at his home in Tamar Street on 6 March 1867, aged eighty-seven years. Launceston Historical Society Inc, Newsletter No 104, October 2007, p. 6 (pdf)
1837-39 Henry Stephens, Wattle Tree Inn, Bathurst & Elizabeth
1839-40 John Aughey, Wattle Tree Inn, Bathurst & Elizabeth
Mr. Henry Stephens, of the Wattle Tree, appeared to answer an information charging him with having neglected to keep the outer door of his licensed house closed on Sunday last. Mr. Home for the defence, stated to the Bench, that it was not his intention to plead to the information, but objected to give his reason, saying that should he do so, it would only militate against the interests of his client, for the present information would be with drawn, and another laid, in which the informality would of course be rectified. Capt. Wentworth here said, that if Mr. district constable Keenahan would consent, and Mr. Home’s objection prove valid, he would promise that no other information on the present case, should be brought into court. Mr Keenahan consented, and Mr. Home then pointed out, that the summons did not mention any Act of Council which his client was stated to have transgressed. Capt. Wentworth was, however, of opinion, that Mr. Stephens having appeared to it, all defects in the summons was cured, and Mr. Home again denied any appearance, firstly, because he had refused to plead, and secondly, because when the case was called in ‘an early part of the morning, himself and client were both absent, and he, therefore, con tended, that a non-appearance should have been entered. Upon this point, Copt. Wentworth finally arranged to consult the opinion of the Attorney General, and in the mean time suspended the proceedings. The case was then adjourned. Cornwall Chronicle, 17 February 1838
WATTLE TREE INN, TEA AND COFFEE ROOMS, CORNER OF BATHURST AND ELIZABETH STREETS, Launceston. H. STEPHENS begs leave to inform his Friends and the Inhabitants in general that he has fitted up a room for the above purpose, in which they will find every accommodation and comfort; and they will always find ready, in addition to Tea and Coffee, Meats, Sandwiches, soups, &c., at very moderate charges. H.S., in soliciting the patronage of the inhabitants of Launceston and his country friends can assure them that every Article provided shall he of the best quality, and he trusts that one trial will ensure him a continuance of their favors. Dinners, Made Dishes, &c, provided for parties in a superior style at the shortest notice. N. B.— Good Beds and Stabling. Launceston, 2nd February, 1839 Cornwall Chronicle, 2 February 1839
AT a MEETING held on the 12th inst., at Mr. H. Stephen’s, ” Wattle Tree Inn,” it was unanimously agreed, that there should be a SUBSCRIPTION BALL held there on TUESDAY, 5th March. ARTHUR MAINS,} JOHN AUSTIN, } Stewards Tickets to be had of the Stewards, or at the Bar. Cornwall Chronicle, 2 March 1839
LICENSES REFUSED. Mr. Aughie, Wattle Tree. Mr. W. Brigg, deferred to Quarterly Meeting, the applicants being at present insolvent, but on the point of making a composition with his creditors, before which he was not entitled to receive a license. Launceston Advertiser, 3 September 1840
To respectable men of moderate capital. TO Let, and possession given in 10 days, that invaluable Licensed House and Premises, corner of Bathurst and Elizabeth-streets, now in full trade, and known as the sign of the Wattle Tree Public House. For further particulars, enquire of Mr. J. Gerard, Cataract Brewery, or Mr. H. Stephens, on the premises. June 8th, 1839. Cornwall Chronicle, 20 July 1839
NOTICE. At a quarterly meeting of Justices held at Launceston, on Monday, the ?th day of August, the following Transfer of Licence to retail fines and Spirits was allowed :– Thomas Archer to Charles Grant, “The Plough,” Charles-street, Launceston. And on Friday, the 9th of August, the following Transfers were approved of.– John Ashton to Frederick Meyers, ‘”The Queen’s Head,” the comer of Wellington and Elizabeth-streets, Launceston. Henry Stephens to John Auchey, ‘The Wattle Tree,”‘ the corner of Wellington [Bathurst] and Elizabeth-streets, Launceston. Dated this 12th day of August, 1839. M. KENNEDY, Clerk of the Peace. Cornwall Chronicle, 24 August 1839
From an advertisement: A capital brick house situate at the corner of Elizabeth and Bathurst-street, lately known as the ” Wattle Tree Inn,” together with large allotment of land, these premises are let at the rate of £40 per Launceston Examiner, 8 December 1847
Elizabeth & Wellington Streets, possibly NE corner
1834-35 John Backer Harwood, Freemasons Tavern, Launceston
1835-36 Henry Harris, Freemasons Arms, Launceston
1836 John Peter Armstrong, Freemasons Arms, Elizabeth Street
1836-1837 John Jacobs, Freemasons Tavern, Elizabeth Street
These seem to be the same house, despite the different name.
Advertisement J. B. HARWOOD, JJAV1NG taken those premises, know as the Commercial Warehouse, at the corner of Elizabeth and Wellington Streets, begs leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has oa Sale the undermentioned articles, viz:— Hyson Skin Tea, ex Lady Hayes Isle of France Sugar Prime Sydney Butter and Cheese American Negro Head Tobacco Manilla Cigars English and Colonial Soap Red Herrings, Starch, &c, &c. The above articles will be sold cheap for cash, as the premises are going to b Opened, and will be known as the Free Mason’s Tavern, where the best and choicest description of wines, spirits, ales, porter, and cordials, will be kept, wholesale and retail, N. B.—A Meeting at the above Tavern by the Brethren of the Masonic Order, will be held in the early part of next month, of which due notice will foe given. Launceston, Sep. 3, 1834. The Independent, 17 September 1834
EACH of the undermentioned parties residing in the Division of the Island of Van Diemen’s Land commonly called “Cornwall” has applied for and obtained a license to retail wines and spirits &c., for the period ending the 29th day of September in the year now next ensuing, provided it be not forfeited before such day. . . John Backer Harwood, Freemason’s Tavern, [Launceston] Launceston Advertiser, 16 October 1834
SIR,– I was greatly surprised at hearing a case at the Police Office in this Town on Tuesday week last, wherein it appeared on clearest evidence possible, that a party of Captains of ships and Merchants who had met at the Freemason’s Tavern, where at the early hour of eight o’clock in the evening disturbed by a band of constables, headed by a district constable named Keenahan, who entered the room, and in the most insulting manner insisted on remaining there; that the Landlord and Landlady both begged the constables not to intrude their company upon a private part of friends, who of the highest respectability,–yet, this district constable insisted on doing so, and with the least provocation assaulted and beat those? ? about the head with bludgeons in a shameful manner and dragged them bleeding to the watchouse, and to add to their brutality, forced them into a cell amongst prisons in irons?.
[continued] The Independent, 15 November 1834
Extract from “To the Editor”: I was present during the whole of the investigation at the Police Office on the 4th inst. (if as you say investigation it may be called) and a friend of mine took down the whole of the evidence. The only disinterested witnesses who were examined were Mrs. Fenton, and Mr. Scott, both of whom are very creditable person indeed. Mrs. Fenton stated : that she and Mrs. Harwood the Landlady, : both begged district constable Keenahan not to intrude his company upon the Gentlemen who were dining up stairs; yet he swore he would do so, abused them grossly, and called them the most filthy and opprobrious names. Mr. Scott stated, he had not been in the room more than ten minutes when Keenahan forced his way into it, and that Mr. Harwood, the Landlord requested him quietly to go away, when he replied in an Irish accent “by J—-s I will not,” this is a licensed house, and I will stop as long as I like, and go into every room I please;” that some words ensued between him (Keenahan) and the Company, and that Keenahan collared one of the gentlemen and struck him upon the head with his bludgeon; that this was the first blow, and the Commencement of the affray. The Independent, 22 November 1834
TO LET.— The undersigned is desirous to let on lease for the unexpired term of 5 years, all that two-story House and Premises, known as the FREEMASON’S TAVERN. The House has an extensive shop, capable of carrying on a first-rate Business, being in the most commanding situation in town, situated at the corner of Elizabeth and Wellington-streets. Any person wishing to continue the license, early application is necessary, in order that it may be transferred the ensuing quarter. The stock on hand may be had at a fair valuation, which consists of Champaigne, Constantia, Port, Sherry, Madeira, Brandy, Gin, Rum, Cordials, Bottled Ale, Porter, Segars, Tobacco, Pipes, Furniture, and a variety of other goods. A first-rate Billiard Table, complete, by Curie and Co., Calcutta, the best finished in this colony. N. B.— The undersigned being called away on urgent business for a short time, is the only reason for letting the premises. All particulars may be known on application to Mr. J. B. HARWOOD, on the premises, or to Mr. Henry Davis, Auctioneer, Hobart Town.
Launceston, Feb. 28, 1835. Launceston Advertiser, 5 March 1835
TO BE SOLD. TO be Sold by Private Contract, an Allotment situate in Elizabeth-street, adjoining the Freemason’s Tavern, and on which there are erected two weather-boarded Houses, fronting the street, with garden behind the me, stable, and other conveniences. Apply the office of Mr. Paterson, St. John-street, or the owner, Robert Stenhouse, of the Crown Public House, Bathurst-street. Launceston Advertiser, 4 June 1835
TO BE LET. ALL those well-known premises situate in Elizabeth-street, at the principal entrance to Launceston, known as the “Freemasons’ Arms,” the proprietor Intending to leave the Colony. Particulars may be known by applying to Robert Day, the proprietor, on the premises. Launceston, July 8, 1835. Launceston Advertiser, 23 July 1835
Launceston, February 6, 1836.— At a Quarterly Meeting of Justices held on at the Court House, Launceston, on Monday, the 1st of February instant, the following transfers of Licenses were approved of :- To John Peter Armstrong, of Launceston, to keep the house known by the sign of the ‘ Freemasons’ Arms,” in Elizabeth-street, Launceston, formerly licensed to Henry Harris Launceston Advertiser, 18 February 1836
TO THE PUBLIC.JOHN H. JACOB,HAVING Transferred his License from the British Hotel, to the Freemason’s Tavern, respectfully solicits their continuance and support, trusting by attention, respect, and good liquors, to merit a share of their patronage.N. B.— Those Gentlemen frequenting the Billiard Table, will at all hours find tea, coffee, chops and steaks, with other refreshments, ready at the shortest notice.Freemason’s Tavern, corner of Elizabeth Street.Cornwall Chronicle, 5 March 1836
From “Quarterly Licensing Meeting”: Mr. Edward Brodribb applied, for a newly-built house at the foot of the Cataract-hill, lower part of Brisbane-street, to be called the Freemasons’ Tavern. Mr. Breton said he had been given to understand a licensed house was required there, in consequence of the rapid increase of the neighbourhood; and, unless the street leading thereto was repaired, it would be almost impossible for the inhabitants to have access to any other licensed house. Granted. Launceston Examiner, 7 May 1845
TO BE LET ON LONG LEASE OR SOLD, the following ALLOTMENTS of valuable property, in good condition: . . . . Lot 5, the “Free mason’s Tavern,’ a TWO-STORY HOUSE, Brisbane-street, Launceston. Immediate possession and due facility to purchasers and tenants will be given by the proprietor James Johnstone. Cornwall Chronicle, 14 February 1846
TO BE LET,— The “Freemason’s Tavern,” Brisbane-street, at present unoccupied. The above Inn will be let to a respectable tenant on very moderate terms. Possession can be given on the 1st July next. For further particulars apply to James Johnstone, St. John’s Tavern, comer of Charles and Elizabeth-streets. Cornwall Chronicle, 13 June 1846
From “Annual Licensing Meeting”: Edward Broderick, Freemasons’ Tavern.-In this case the police magistrate stated there were two applications, one by Broderick and another by a new applicant; he understood the first applicant had left the colony. Broderick was called three times and not answering, the license was refused. Launceston Examiner, 5 September 1846
Edward Broderick, Lamb and Flag, Bathurst and York-streets. It was intimated that be had left the colony— he was then directed to be called, and not answering, the license was refused. . . . Edward Lawrence, Patriotic Six, Bathurst and York-streets. Mr. Dry. — I shall support that application ? (a laugh.) Refused. Cornwall Chronicle, 2 September 1846
From “Quarter Sessions”: An instance was within his own knowledge of an unintentional injustice having been done to an applicant at the last meeting, because he had not the opportunity of explaining himself. He referred to the application for a license to the” Patriotic Six,” which was treated as a new application, whereas in fact it was an old licensed house, formerly known as the “Freemason’s Tavern.” The license was refused upon the principle established by the magistrates, that no increase of licensed houses was required. Launceston Examiner, 26 September 1846
From “Publicans’ Licenses”: Wm. Forbes, Rainbow Inn (late Freemason’s Tavern.)-Objection recorded against the premises, and therefore the application shared the same fate as the preceding, and was not entertained. Launceston Examiner,4 November 1846
1840-41 Bernard Sweeney, Star Inn [transfer]
1842-49 Bernard Sweeny, Star Inn, Charles Street
1850-54 Mary Sweeney, Star Inn, Charles street
1854 John Joseph Moore, Star Inn, Charles Street
1854 Henry Bevan, Star Inn, Charles Street
1854-59 John Joseph Moore, Star Inn, Charles Street [new]
1859-60- John Sheridan
1870- Charles Cooley, Star Hotel, Charles-street
-1877-1885 William Chester
1885-1890- Hannah Chester, Star Hotel, Charles-street
From “Launceston Police Report”: This was an information brought on by the Chief Constable against the defendant, the landlord of the Star Inn, Charles street, for neglecting to keep his outer door closed on the evening of the 12th March last. Mr. Rocher, who appeared for the defence, endeavoured to have an informality in the information, which the bench overruling, the case proceeded. The evidence in support of the information stated, that Mr. Byron und two petty constables went to the house of the defendant between seven and eight o’clock on Sunday evening, the 12th of March last, and that in one room there were no less than ten soldiers drinking and smoking, five pots and eleven glasses being on the table, containing as the witness supposed, malt liquor. In another apartment, a prisoner of the crown, employed in the marine department, was quietly seated, taking his wine and water, in company with a ticket of leave-man, who, it was stated, resided at Mr. Sweeney’s. The evidence for the information having been gone through, Mr. Rocker insisted that nothing wag proved against his client respecting not keeping his outer door closed— had the’ charge been for tippling, it would have been different. ..The Bench would not admit of Mr. Rocher’s objection, but called upon him to prove, if he could, that the parties were bona fide travellers or guests of the landlord. Nothing daunted «t the difficulty, Mr. Rocher proceeded with his case, and called first the government man that was taken out of the house (and who appears to be a, man of good character,) ,. and fully proved that the said1 man was there by Mr. Sweeney’s
invitation to dinner, &c. and was bona fide a visitor. To overcome the military part of the business, Mr. Rocher called one of the soldiers, who stated that himself and some of his comrades called at Mr. Sweeney’s on the evening in question, and requested to be served with liquor; that Mr. Sweeney declared his inability to serve on a Sun day, but, being an old soldier himself, he would not see them want for a glass of beer, and as he could not sell them any, why, out of regard to the cloth, he would make them a present of a gallon of ale, and accordingly it was in the midst of their enjoying the said ale, that Mr. Byron and his deputies popped suddenly upon them. No money was paid for the beer so drank, and several of the party were to corroborate the witness, if necessary. The Bench felt inclined to believe the defence. Captain Gardiner sagely remarking, that no doubt Mr. Sweeney was throwing out a sprat to catch a salmon. — The case was accordingly dismissed. Launceston Courier, 27 March 1843
BERNARD SWEENEY, grateful lo his friends and the public generally far the liberal support given him for several years past, in soliciting a continuance of their favours, begs most respectfully to intimate that, in addition to the previous accommodations, he has made extensive alterations, amongst which are four capital well-furnished bed-rooms.
Also, a large sitting-room, well adapted for the reception of a family from the country, or commercial gents, who may have private business to transact. There is an excellent five-stalled stable, with gig houses, A careful ostler always in attendance.
N.B.— Country settlers will find the “Star Inn” well adapted for a temporary residence. Parties boarded by the day or week.
B. S. is determined to spare neither pains nor expense to deserve the patronage of his friends, feeling assured that a strict attention to business, punctuality, and au earnest desire to promote the comfort of his customers, will ensure the support it will be his study to deserve, and pride to acknowledge.
October 28. Cornwall Chronicle, 30 October 1847
From Mary Sweeney, Star Inn, Charles-street, to John Joseph Moore. The police magistrate intimated that since the annual meeting Mrs. Sweeney had been married to Mr. Moore. Transfer granted. Hobarton Guardian, 6 May 1854
From “Transfer Day”: From John Joseph Moore to Henry Bevan, “Star Inn,” Charles street. The chairman enquired if applicant understood that the transfer could only be granted to the end of the year; to which Major Welman replied – “Sure he is one of the government officers, and he knows.” Granted. Launceston Examiner, 7 November 1854
From “Annual Meeting of the Justice of the Peace”: John Joseph Moore, “Star Inn”.—-The Police Magistrate stated he knew of no objection to this application, save one started a few days ago viz. : that there was a shop containing a few books and stationery attached to the premises. He had visited the premises very recently, and it appeared to him that the shop was a very temporary affair, and there was no communication with it from the house ; only through the back yard. The Chairman read the 35th. clause of the Act referring especially to this point. Dr. Casey said he should oppose this application, he drew attention to the abstract impropriety of the Act : being evaded by allowing a shop to be kept on the premises of a licensed house. The applicant was the Editor of an inflamatory Newspaper, and this shop was kept as an office and for the sale of the Papers in direct violation of the Act of Council in it was part of the premises of the Star Inn. He knew nothing could be. advanced against the house it had a considerable country connection ; he did not object to the proprietor, and only made the remarks for the public benefit and in a spirit of equity. Mr. Moore requested permission to state that the clause of the Act referred to, had nothing to do with the granting of the License; had he been brought up, and convicted at any time of a violation of the law, it would be a different matter. Dr. Casey had made two charges against him, it was only necessary to refer to the first, that of keeping a shop for the sale of newspapers. Mr. Moore declared that no paper nor anything else had ever been sold there, and explained the position, the shop had originally been a passage to the back premises, this he had temporarily roofed over, and placed a window in the front where he exhibited his newspaper for, the benefit of poor persons who could not afford to purchase one, and he regretted, that any gentleman upon the bench could make a statement that was not true. Who had ever bought a paper in’ the shop? he defied Dr. Casey to prove what he said on the bench In reply to Captn. Drew, Mr. Moore said that neither he nor any one else ever entered that shop for the purpose of buying a paper. After some discussion amongst the magistrates the license, with the exception of Dr. Casey’s vote, was unanimously granted. The People’s Advocate, 3 December 1855
From “Annual Licensing Meeting”: John Joseph Moore, Star Inn. Dr. Casey drew attention to the thirty.-fifth section of the Act, which prohibits the keeper of a licensed house from having a shop on his premises. ‘That prohibition applied to the applicant, who had a shop adjoining his house, and it certainly applied to such an objectionable occupation as that of editor of an Inflammatory newspaper. After some discussion as to whether the shop formed part of the premises in the sense Intended by the Act, Mr. Moore stated that It had no connection with the house, and was merely used as a paper store, and not for the sale of newspaper or stationery. In reply to Major Welman, the chairman stated that the Act did not prohibit a holder of a license from following any other occupation. Captain Drew was of opinion that as no Information laud been laid against the applicant on the ground referred to, the license ought to be granted, which was accordingly done. Launceston Examiner, 4 December 1855
From “The Municipal Assessment”:
J. J. Moore,; “Star Inn,” Charles-street, 2001. Mr. Moore submitted that he was over rated, both as to the value of the premises and by comparison with properties in the same street. The Mayor said 60l. had been added for improvements, but the amount was the same as at the last assessment. Mr. Moore said he had intended to have appealed last year, but was too late. Alderman Weedon observed that the promises at the corner of Charles and Patterson-streets, occupied by Mr. Davis, were assessed at the rate of 1301., although far inferior to Mr. Moore’s. Reduced to 1601. Launceston Examiner, 1 April 1856
From “Licensing Meeting”: Star Inn, from J. J. Moore to John Sweeney. Mr. Rocher appeared for the applicant and stated the ground of the application as being to protect the license, Mr. Moore having left the colony, and not being likely to return. Some discussion took place as to the power of the bench to grant a transfer in the absence of the holder of a license, it being the opinion of several justices that they had not the power. Mr. Rocher withdrew the application. Launceston Examiner, 3 May 1859
Mr Wecdon sold at his rooms yesterday, the following property of the late D Robertson, Esq:—The Star Inn property to Mr John Sheridan, for £1610; Mr Ward’s shoe shop to Mr Wm Stepney, £960; the allotment in the rear to Mr John Sheridan, £345 ; the property adjoining the Black Horse, in Wellington street, to Mr John Cameron, £510; allotment (lot 8) with house, Mr D Room, £500 ; lot 6, Mr P Miller, £270; two small allotments at the rest, £20 cash. The Brisbane street property was sold to Mr John Knight for £505; allotment of two acres at George Town, to Mr W Johnstone for £100. Hobart Town Advertiser, 4 June 1859
Mr. Jn. Mason, landlord of the “Ship Inn,” Queen’s Wharf, with his usual liberality, and with the view of encouraging healthy and harmless athletic amusements, has given a reward or prize of a very handsome pair of mounted pistols, to be rowed for in three Watermen’s boats, (Sisters, Green Linnet, and Jubilee), by some of his amateur aquatic friends at five o’clock this evening. The boats to start from Green’s Wharf round the second pile in Tea Tree Reach and pull back to Green’s Wharf. From the known skill of the pullers and aptitude of the little coxswaine, an interesting half hour’s contest is anticipated. Cornwall Chronicle, 28 January 1860
The Annual Licensing Meetings will be held on Monday next. Amongst the application is one from Alfred Stephen Harris for a license to the house at the corner of Bathurst and York-streets, formerly “Lamb and Flag.” Mr Hely intends to alter the designation of “The Ship Inn,” Wharf, to that of “The Duke of Edinburgh,” and Mr Walter Harris intends to alter the title of his new premises at the corner of Charles and Patterson-streets from “The Turf Hotel” to “The Plough Inn.” Cornwall Chronicle, 30 November 1867