Cellar, Woolmers

At Woolmers Estate, near Longford. The steps down to the cellar are at the end there, on the other side of the railing.

At the top is an information panel that says:

Part of the original construction of the weatherboard homestead. The Cellar rooms are paved in sandstone flags and have a ceiling height of 2700mm (9 feet). Drainage pits in the floors of each room appear to maintain a steady level. Pin in room 4 remains constantly empty. Vaulted storage bins added in 1840s. Possibly to house the cider barrels.

Original entrance to the cellar was through a trap door from inside the house. Present entrance down timber topped brick steps install in the 1840s.

Look up

Through first doorway.

Through second doorway.

Now heading back

Back through here

And there's another room to the side

And out!