Overall view of room. Following photos start at doorway in rear left corner.
Penitentiary Chapel, Hobart: Part 1
That is place it was built as a chapel and later used as a courthouse. There are a lot of photos, so I am breaking this into two posts. The second part is here.
Now it's owned by the National Trust. Have Trust Membership, Will Use. (Home Hill is a NT property too.)
Courthouse, Beechworth
From the information leaflet provided:
Built in 1858 of local honey coloured granite at a cost of £3730. It was the central Court of the "Northern Bailiwick" during the gold rush era and closed as a Court House in 1989 after 131 years of continual service. The Court had many roles. It served as a Magistrates Court, Court of Petty Sessions, County Court, Court of Assize (Supreme Court), Insolvency Court, Mining Wardens Court and Court of General Sessions. The Court sat every 12 weeks when the appointed Judge would arrive from Melbourne in his horse drawn vehicle. The lesser Courts were held at more regular intervals.
The benches form the Public Gallery (men only), the table and chairs are for the bar lawyers and prosecutors. On the right is the Jury Box. On the other wall, beside the fireplace, is the Dock (which figures in this image, which is reproduced on the wall there) and beside that the Reporters Bench. At the front of the room, are two Witnesses Boxes (only one visible here), the Clerk of Courts (table?) and the Judges Bench.