Piners punt
Piners pint: a small boat used by timber cutters gathering Huon Pine on the west coast of Tasmania.
More information
From the attached card:
Length: 11'9"
Built: 1950s
Constructed: King Billy pine, clinker
Single scull racing shell
Fishing boat
Unrestored yacht
The attached information sheets says this is the "former 21-foot class Imp, which began life in 1886 as the Claretta".
"The Claretta was launched at Hobart in November 1886, having been built at Battery Point by James Davey for Alfred J. Mitchell of the Derwent Sailing Boat Club, her dimensions being 21ft. waterline (hull overall) x 8ft.6in. x 3ft.3in. She was constructed of Huon pine planking up to the waterline and kauri pine above."
Historic sailing vessel Imp
Launched in Hobart 1886--the last of the 21' L.O.A Class.
Small boat with motor
The information accompanying this boat (owned by Meredith & Owen Ransley) says it is "one of many similar craft built in Hobart 'last century' by a Mr. Fazackerly and are always identified by name".
"This boat is a bit different [from others of the same type] in having side seats, an engine and no well, so we think it was intended to cater mostly for leisure activities."
Specifications from information sheet:
Length 14'
Beam 5'6"
Engine: BSA single cylinder petrol
Built about 1945/1950
"Clinker style with bluegum keel, rubbers, etc. Huon pine stern, ribs and two centre planks. Other planks are King Billy pine. Knees are casuarina or bluegum."
MV Cartela
This is an old post with small photos. I have better photos now but more pressing things to work on, so if you're interested, comment below and I'll push it to the top of the "To Do" list.
Cartela was built in 1912, as a steam powered passenger and cargo ferry, operating on the Derwent River and surrounding waterways. There's not many passengers vessels from that era still in existence, and far fewer that have seen continuous service.