North Esk Inn — St Leonards Hotel, St Leonards

327 St Leonards Rd, St Leonards. Google maps.


1857-59 R. Lewis, North Esk Inn, Patterson Plains/St Leonards
1860-63 Walter Harris, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1863 John Martin, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1863 Thomas Humphreys, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1864 James Ley, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1865-66 Henry Walbourne, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1867-69 William Harris, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards*
1870-1884 Walter Harris, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1884-1895 Charles Manser, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1896-98 Henry A. Percy, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1898 George Julius Petterson, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards
1899-1901 George Wilton, St. Leonards Hotel, St. Leonards

*William Harris might be the (adopted) son of Walter.

Richard Lewis, North Esk Inn, Patterson’s Plains.
The Police Magistrate gave some information respecting the applicants and the ocality of the houses. They were all new houses except the Commercial Inn and the iasgow Wine Vaults. He handed in a memorial against Mr. Hyrons’ house.
The applications were then considered in the following order:
Richard Lewis.-Mr. Douglas said the applicant was a well-conducted man, better known, perhaps, as “Dick,” the guard of the mail. The house was a new one, near Mount Esk. It was well recommended, was much wanted, and had good accommodation.
The Police Magistrate said there was no licensed house for miles, and he did not object. Granted.

Launceston Examiner, 2 December 1856

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