Noah’s Ark

cnr Margaret & Brisbane Streets

1859 Alfred Fowler, Margaret and Brisbane Streets
1859-1860 Robert Cotton, The Ark, Margaret and Brisbane Streets transfer
1860 Alfred Fowler, Ark, Margaret and Brisbane Streets transfer
1860 Patrick Torley, The Ark, Margaret and Brisbane-streets

From assessment rolls, southern side of Brisbane Street, possible eastern corner.

Alfred Fowler, premises in Brisbane and Margaret-streets.
The Police Magistrate said the house was not in a fit state to be occupied, much more to hold a license, and was not wanted in the neighborhood ; there was the Hibernia
Inn and the Elephant and Castle near.
Refused as not necessary.
Launceston Examiner, 2 December 1858

Alfred Fowler appealed against the decision of the licensing meeting, refusing to grant a license to new premises at the corner of Margaret and Brisbane-streets, on the grounds that it was not necessary and that it was not in a fit state to be occupied. After a little discussion, a license was granted.
Launceston Examiner, 4 January 1859

BREACHES OF THE LICENSING ACT. — Robert Cotton was charged on information by Mr. Superintendent O’Connor with abandoning the “Noah’s Ark” Inn, the license of which he held, and Robert Fowler was charged with selling liquors on the said premises without a license.
Launceston Examiner, 28 February 1860

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