I trawled the first three years of the Sydney Gazette (1803-1806) to see what I could find in the way of advertisements from women. The population of the town, less than 20 years after the start of British settlement, was just a few thousand, so there probably wasn’t much need or incentive to pay for ads. The Gazette came out once a week, and for was often only of two pages, so not a lot of room for ads either. (And as you can see the scans are low quality so searching the OCR text for keywords is… interesting.) But I found a handful easily enough.


SG $ May 1806 SG 26 August 1804

SG 10 July 1803

SG 18 November 1804

SG 17 April 1803

SG 16 June 1805

SG Jun 1806

SG 10 February 1805

SG 10 August 1806

24 April 1803



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