Fifty kilometres along the Bass Highay, almost directly west of Launceston, is Deloraine. Here the highway turns north and heads up to the north west coast.
I have to admit, I don’t know much about the history of the Deloraine (which might not seem that unusual except um…) other than somewhere back in the dark ages, one of the governors, I’m thinking Sorell, said, “We need more agricultural land. Go west and see what you can find.” What they found was a land of brown soil and good rainfall, that is very good for growing potatoes and other vegetables, and poppies it seems. Also dairy cows and fat lambs.
A few years back, the highway was redone and the towns along this part all by-passed. It doesn’t seem to have hurt the town though. The main road always seems to be busy, lots of cars and lots of people, and quite a bit of tourist orientated businesses. At least on one side of the river.
The main road that used to be the highway rans through the town, crosses the river and then runs through the main shopping area.