Turners Beach

Turners Beach - 1
Turners Beach, on the north west coast between Devonport and Ulverstone. I thought it was more of residential area, but on investigation we found a service station, a fire station, a tennis club, a hall and a football team (although it seems they didn’t win any games this year). I think any place that has a hall and a football team must have enough of an identity to be considered a town for the purposes of this exercise. Also there is a phone box.

Photos aren’t the best (it was a bit bleak) and I won’t bother captioning (there’s a service station, a fire station, a tennis club, a hall and a football club.)

Turners Beach -  2

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Back in the early 19th century, speculators in the UK thought they could make money of all that unused land in the new colonies without actually having to travel out there, by establishing agricultural companies to grow fine wool that would be sold back home. One of these, the Australian Agricultural Company set themselves up in northern NSW. Another, the VDL Company, went to VDL. The colonial government wasn’t too happy about this intrusion, so they found themselves shoved up into the far, distant corner of the island.


So in 1827, a boatload of livestock, indentured servants and other necessities were dropped at Circular Head, where they proceeded to farm sheep for wool and the sheep proceeded to die. You might have noticed from the photos that the climate up that way is a tad different to the climate down through the Midlands, where the successful wool properties are.

(The whole process is all rather interesting in the complicated way of money & politics, and ideas on paper meeting reality, but the only half-decent account I can find online is the ADB listing for Edward Curr, the manager.)

Three shops
So that’s why Stanley, which is one of the oldest towns on the island, is sitting up there among towns that didn’t develop until the following century.

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