Babes in the Wood

(Elizabeth between Bathurst & Wellington?)
York & Wellington Streets

1837-38 George Williams, Babes in the Wood
1838 Thomas Garrard, Babes in the Wood, York & Wellington Streets

George Williams, of the Babes in the Wood, appeared to answer the complaint of District Constable Peel, for harbouring Christiana Johnson, a prisoner in the service of Mr. Lang. Constable Allsworth deposed, that on Sunday the 18th inst., about halfpast 11 at night, he was on duly with constable Warby, in Elizabeth-street, and hearing a noise in Mr. William’s house, they demanded and obtained admittance; they found the woman Johnson in a back room, where there were two or three men ; on asking her who she was, she at once admitted she was a prisoner, when they took her into custody ; did not hear Mr. Williams accuse her of having represented herself to him as a free woman ; Johnson did not say to deponent, “you know me Johnny. — I have done it.— You have no business with me.”

Constable Warby sworn— accompanied the last Witness on the occasion referred to ; remembers the woman said, addressing herself to him, — “You have no business with me, Johnny, you know I have done it.” The woman was now called in and examined, she corroborated the evidence of Allsworth, and denied using the words imputed to her by Warby, but, two free men named Jones and Welsh contradicted her statement on oath, and maintained that she did ; they represented themselves to be lodgers in the house of Mr. Williams, and recollected their landlady asking the woman when she first came to the house in company with a man, whether she was free, when she replied she was ; they remembered also the words of the woman. Williams offered to call further evidence, but the Bench decided that it was his duty to have insisted on seeing her certificate when the woman said she had done it, and sentenced him to pay a fine of £2 and costs.

It is perfectly clear that constable Allsworth perjured himself in this case, and the Magistrates will do well to be careful how they receive his evidence in future.— ED.
Cornwall Chronicle, 31 March 1838

Hobart Town Courier, 24 May 1839

This might be relevant:

An information against Thomas Garrard, publican, was withdrawn, being informal
Cornwall Chronicle, 25 May 1839

Help Me Through The World

1834 Thomas Twining, Help me Through World, Wellington street
This might have become the Kangaroo

Launceston Advertiser, 16 October 1834
Launceston Advertiser, 16 October 1834

In 1825 there were many signs of prosperity. The Gazette informs us that there were seven new public house licenses issued. The houses were The Black Bull, Caledonian, Red Lion, Rose and Thistle, Jolly Sailor, Commercial Tavern, and Help me through the World. The last mentioned stood in Brisbane Street, on the present site of Mr. R. D. Richard’s establishment. It had a large swinging signboard, on one side of which was depicted the world, with a man’s head and shoulders apparently coming though it, and on the reverse, the world again, with the heels and under parts of the man, with the words “Help me through the world” beneath.
“The Cyclopedia of Tasmania”, 1900, vol 2. p. 12
(That is not a very accurate source.)

Rising Sun (1) – Barley Sheaf

182930 John Knight, Rising Sun, George Street
1831-82 Thomas Adams, Barley Sheaf, George Street
1834-35 Thomas Dudley, Rising Sun, George Street

Independent, 15 June 1833

Independent, 27 July 1833

By May 1834, this is no longer licensed premises.

Launceston Advertiser, 15 May 1834
Launceston Advertiser, 15 May 1834

In 1860 this appears, which might or might not be the same place:

The Rising Sun.
Mr John Bedford applied for a license to a house in George-street above Dr. Maddox’s buildings, which had been formerly licensed by the name of the “Rising Sun.” The Superintendent of police said the premises had been occupied for some time by the lowest class in the community, and were not in a fit state for occupation as licensed premises. In reply to Mr Bartley, he said he believed that a license to the premises would be an evil in the neighbourhood, and there was no necessity for the license, as there were five other licensed houses in that immediate vicinity. Mr Knight, the landlord of the premises, addressed the Bench, and said the house had formerly been kept respectably until the person who kept it look out a brewer’s license and left it ; since which it had become dilapidated, but he had repaired and improved it to make it suitable for a licensed house. He could have let it as a board and lodging house, but kept it vacant expecting to get the license back to it. Application refused on the grounds of the premises being unsuitable, — no necessity for a public house in the neighbourhood and on general grounds.

Cornwall Chronicle, 8 February 1860

Red Lion

Brisbane Street.

Licensing Lists:
1824 Mr Henry Boyle, Red Lion
1826 Mr Henry Boyle, Red Lion
1827 Henry Boyle, Red Lion, Brisbane St

Mr. Henry Boyle, a publican in Launceston, was charged with an assault on the person of Thomas Walsh; which having been proved, he was bound over to keep the peace for 3 months.Tasmanian & Port Dalrymple Advertiser, 30 March 1825

Mary Boyle, the wife of Henry Boyle, who keeps the Lion Public house, Launceston, was charged with stealing, on the 8th of November, a fowl, of the value of 2s, the property of Peter Archer Mulgrave, the Police Magistrate. The ludicrous manner in which Antonio Fonsick, a Frenchman (Mr. Mulgrave’s cook) gave his evidence excited some laughter in the Court which could scarcely be restrained. Mr. Gellibrand defended the prisoner. Verdict- Not Guilty.
Hobart Town Gazette, 3 February 1827

A late night encounter:

The information and complaint of Henry Boyle of Launceston Publican who saith I keep the Red Lion public House in Launceston on the night of the twenty ninth of April last between seven and eight o clock I returned home the front window shutters and front door of my house were fastened the back Door was also fastened as well as the back windows which is in my bed Room. I knocked at it and said suppsing my wife was in bed mary I am come home there was a light in the Room my wife said I will get up I then went round to the front door and heard the back door opened I went round to it and shoved it open I saw no person in the passage or with a light I saw my wife by the fire light in the tap room she endeavoured to light a candle but could not I lighted the candle by the fire I said Mary I think there is somebody shuffling in that room pointing to the Room opposite the tap room let us go and look
(From “Manuscript 3251: Van Diemen’s Land 1821-1862, Original accounts from frontier Tasmania” )