Dolphin Inn

Wellington Street

1845 William Brigg, Dolphin, Wellington Street
Continued Paterson & Wellington Streets.

Launceston Advertiser, 9 May 1845

Cornwall Chronicle, 10 May 1845
Cornwall Chronicle

ROBBERIES. — On Sunday morning between the hours of one and three o’clock, the house of Mr. Brigg, ‘Dolphin’, Wellington-street, was robbed of a keg of brandy, by some thieves having gained an entrance to the bar of the shop by cutting a pane of glass and withdrawing the bolt of the window. The offenders have not been discovered.
Launceston Advertiser, 23 May 1845

Attempt at Robbery. — On Friday night, some villains made another attack on the premises of Mr. Brigg, at the “Dolphin,” in Wellington-street, being the second or third attempt within a few weeks. Having opened a shutter from the outside, they were obstructed by a Venetian blind, which being made fast to the window, effectually hindered their further progress without the chance of detection. The inmates being aroused by the noise, search was commenced, but the vagabonds made good their retreat.
Cornwall Chronicle, 1 October 1845

(At new location.)
William Brigg, Dolphin, Wellington and Patterson-streets. The Police Magistrate stated that there was a suspicion against this house of Sunday trading. The house was clean below, but tile bed-rooms were mostly unfurnished. Mr. Gunn stated that he should oppose any house that was kept merely as a taproom, as such a house could not be said to be kept for the accommodation of the public. Mr. Sams observed that applicant had only lately moved from a smaller house, and he did not think sufficient time had been given to him to get the house in proper order. The Police Magistrate thought it advisable to refuse the license now, at the same time granting permission to applicant to apply again at the next quarterly meeting. After some further discussion, the license was granted, upon an offer from Mr. Lilly to see it properly furnished.
Launceston Advertiser, 3 September 1846
(Longer version of above events in the Examiner )

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