1834 William Wright, Birmingham Arms, Springs
This only appears in list of new licenses granted. It might not have been taken up.
The Independent, 6 September 1834
Hotels in Launceston to 1900
1834 William Wright, Birmingham Arms, Springs
This only appears in list of new licenses granted. It might not have been taken up.
The Independent, 6 September 1834
Wheat Sheaf: Springs
1826, Roger Taylor
Tasmanian Inn: Springs, Cocked Hat Hill, Prospect Hill
1831-37 Patrick Carolan
Rob Roy: Springs
1832 Roderick MacDonald
1833 James Gurney
Robin Hood: Springs
1834-36 James Lucas
Birmingham Arms: Springs
1834 William Wright
White Hart Inn: Springs
1835 Charles Radcliffe
1835-36 William Kitson
Halfway House: Springs, Cocked Hat
1837-8 James Segrave
Albion Inn: Springs, Cocked Hat Hill, Breadalbane
1839-1869 see post
Woolpack Inn: Cocked Hat, Breadalbane
1859-1920 see post
Also two unlicensed premises:
Breadalbane Temperance Coffee House: Cocked Hat
Temperance Hotel: Breadalbane
George Laird, Breadalbane, Breadalbane.
Mr. Collins appeared to support, and Mr. Miller to oppose this application. Mr. Miller read a petition signed by residents of Cocked Hat against the granting of the license, on the ground that one hotel was enough for the district, and had been so for the past 20 years. Mr. Propsting said that a second hotel was not requiredin the district. The now house was not yet furnished. Mr. Collins thought that the license might be granted without the certificate being granted at once. The Chairman said the reading of the act on this point was not explicit. Mr. Collins finally withdrew the application, with the intention of renewing it at some future time.
Launceston Examiner, 3 December 1883