4 thoughts on “Presbyterian Church, Kempton

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    christin Phillips

    May 18, 2017 at 8:59am

    Dear Church Staff (Kempton)
    I am concerned for you and the proposed CROSSING event. Do you actually know what you are dealing with? Do you realize how spiritually unhealthy the line-up is that will be playing their music in your church? Have you been duped? There is definitely spiritual attachment to the works of these proposed musicians? .
    Are these people deceiving you? Do you know that it will be satan that is being worshipped in your church? I do hope you will take the time to check out the youtube links below of the artists, (if you have not already?) And read about the Love Parade started by Danielle de Picciotto.
    It is not too late to back out. This will be dishonouring to Christ. It will be bringing grief to the Holy Spirit. It will also be seriously unhealthy for you to host these anti-Christian people with their anti-Christian works. Please consider pulling the plug. The money is not worth it. They have obviously come with a good deal.
    Chris Phillips

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    May 18, 2017 at 1:10pm

    You are too late. The church is DOOMED.

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    Jean Gorringe

    July 29, 2017 at 12:46am

    I fully agree with you, I watched these videos you attached, the one especially where he’s dressed up in a devil’s head is horrendous. My family helped in colonizing this town in 1820. Money was left in the will of one of one of my family for the upkeep on this church and they would turn in their graves. This is sacrilegious, to the reason why this church was built.
    Very disturbing,

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