St Augustine’s Catholic Church, Longford


Cnr Goderich & Smith Streets, Longford. Google Maps.
Opened 1867.

Cemetery is a block over to to the north west.


On Wednesday last, the Rev. Mr. Butler visited Longford, for the purpose of opening a temporary place of public worship, until a more suitable building can be erected, as there are a number of Catholics residing in Longford and its environs. A suitable room was procured, by the reverend gentleman, and at the hour appointed for the first opening of a Catholic place if worship in Longford, the apartment was crowded to excess. We believe that immediate steps are to be taken for the erection of a large building in this neat little township, and we have no doubt the Bishop of Hobart Town, and the clergy generally, will afford that spiritual aid, now, thanks to God, so eagerly sought after, as far as may lay in their power.

Hobarton Guardian, 20 December 1848


At Fingal the members of the Church of England have determined upon the erection of a new church, according to plans and specifications prepared by Mr. Hunter. The same architect has also furnished a design for a new Roman Catholic Church at Longford, for which tenders are to be called without delay.
The Mercury, 22 August 1865


Launceston Examiner, 31 August 1865


The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of the Roman Catholic Church of St. Augustine at Longford was performed on Wednesday last, by Bishop Murphy. Besides his Lordship the following members of the Roman Catholic clergy aided in the ceremony: The Very Rev. Vicar Hall, Dr. Butler, Father Walsh (Launceston), Father Keogh (Oatlands), Father O’Callaghan (Campbell Town), Father, Hogan (Westbury), Father Noone (Mersey). Upwards of 800 persons were present, including most of the leading residents of Longford and the surrounding country. The ceremony, which was the one usual on such occasions, was performed in most impressive manner. His Lordship then delivered a most eloquent and appropriate address, after which a collection was made, when a sum exceeding £130 was collected towards defraying the expenses of erecting the church. His Lordship is at present in town, and will be presented with an address from the members of his northern flock before taking his departure for the capital.

Launceston Examiner, 8 June 1866


Cornwall Chronicle, 3 April 1867


LONGFORD. We have been much delighted with the efforts made by the zealous pastor, Father Butler, and the Catholics of this district, towards the erection of a church, which is much needed, as a substitute for a building as uninviting to a congregation as it is unsuited for so sacred a pur pose as that of Divine service. Their efforts have been so far satisfactorily recompensed in a building as beautifully situated for convenience to the people as it is remarkable for its architectural neatness and durability. For many months it has continued in an unfinished state, the builder’s part well done, but yet unroofed. For the worst of all possible reasons in such a depressed state of the colony, has the pastor been compelled to suspend the progress of the work want of funds. We must remember that the Catholic population in the district is not no numerous as in others. There is no want of a generous feeling so characteristic of our people in all parts, but the pressure is too much upon generally limited circumstances to meet the constant demands of a rather expensive building. This is a work which deserves our sympathy, and we hope that the appeal now made to the public through the medium of a bazaar will be cheerfully responded to, and that the sum realised will enable the Pastor to liquidate all debts incurred during the course of its erection. We have a guarantee that materials of a costly and finely wrought style will make their way to the fair venders’ stalls from the names of the ladies connected with the undertaking, It is also well to say that the roofing has been commenced, and under the superintendence of the enterprising contractors, Messrs Galvin, of Launceston ; along with being satisfactorily roofed, it will be brought to a speedy completion. The public will not withhold their sympathy in patronising the bazaar or in transmitting their donations however small, to the Rev. Pastor of the district.
Cornwall Chronicle, 24 August 1867


Cornwall Chronicle, 6 November 1867


Solemn Opening of St Augustine’s Church, Longford
In accordance with previous advertisement this beautiful Church was solemnly opened by his Lordship the Right Rev. Dr Murphy, on Thursday, 7th instant, with all the sacred ceremonies prescribed by the Roman Ritual fur such occasions. At 11 o’clock his Lordship entered the Church and proceeded to vest for solemn High Mass. It was tastefully sung by M. Keohan assisted as deacon, and Rev, P. R Hennebry as sub deacon. The choir of the Church of the Apostles, under the guidance of their talented and able organist, Mr McIver, rendered the musical pieces with artistic taste and thrilling effect during the Mass. In the sanctuary the clergymen present were—The Very Rev the Vicar General, Dr Dunne ; the Very Rev Dean Butler, who assisted his Lordship during the ceremony ; Rev M Burke, Rev M O’Callaghan, Rev J. Noone, Rev E. D Walsh, Rev J Butler, pastor of the district ; and the Revs the celebrant and ministers already named. After an appeal from his Lordship a collection was made realizing in all about £50, which must be considered for the place a most generous sum.

Cornwall Chronicle, 23 November 1867


We have received a copy of the fifth number of the Tasmanian Catholic Standard. … From these we select the following paragraph relative to the opening of St. Augustine’s Church, Longford:-
“It escaped our memory, in recording the account of the ceremony, to state that the edifice is situated to the west of the Court house, occupying a position which takes in a vast range of agreeable scenery. The building is from designs prepared by Mr Henry Hunter, Hobarton, whose talents in his profession are best exhibited from the really beautiful structures which adorn our fine land. The contract, of stone work, was executed by Messrs. Cronly and Mulloy, Hobart Town ; roofing by Messrs. Galvin, Launceston ; flooring and windows, by Messrs Ellis and Wright, Launceston. The church is yet in an unfinished state, wanting porch and sacristy, also the walls are unplastered and the roof unvarnished. The plan comprises a nave 60 feet by 22 feet, having an apsidal termination at the east end. The west end of the nave has a triplet lancet window, with cusped heads. The oblique sides of the apse are filled with two light windows, the heads being filled with geometrical tracery ; the extreme end is blank, and affords space over the altar for a fine painting or altar piece. The roofs are all open to the ridge.”

Cornwall Chronicle, 23 November 1867





Very Rev. J.J. McKernan
31 years Pastor of Longford
Died 22 March 1804
Aged 67 years

One thought on “St Augustine’s Catholic Church, Longford

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply

    kaye Matthews

    February 8, 2018 at 3:44am

    A wonderful site re the building of the Church, just a shame they have not kept records of where people are buried in their cemetery even as late as 1945

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